@易明之光 2023-09-10 字数 1612 阅读 0

溺爱孩子等于害孩子 Spoiling Children is Harming Them

第五辑 生命教育 Volume 5: Life Education

This is also a serious issue, especially for Chinese parents who invest too much in their children.

As monastics, we should be equal. We should treat others' children and all sentient beings as we would treat our own children. Can you do that? If you can't, you are not yet a Bodhisattva, and what you do are just some...

What you do are not even considered virtuous. If you are only satisfying the desires of your children, providing for their material needs, and ensuring that they live comfortably, in fact, this is even considered evil. Why?

Especially when they are already adults. If they are young, we certainly have the responsibility to raise them.

In foreign countries, once you turn 18, you need to be independent, and parents no longer provide financial support. If you want to go to college, you have to borrow money from them, unless your rich parents are willing to lend you money.

Some parents may still financially support their children during their college years. In many foreign countries, after turning 18, students will work to cover their college expanses. If parents provide financial support, the children need to repay them. If your family is rich and willing to support you until college graduation, that's already very impressive.

As far as I remember, after graduating from college, we already took the responsibility to take care of our parents and could no longer ask them for a single penny. This was how we thought at that time.

Can you still ask your parents for money after graduating from college? Of course not. At that time, my classmates all gave their first month's salary to their parents, which means "Thank my parents for so many years of raising and supporting me till college. Now that I have grown up and started to work, I should offer my first month's salary to them".

Whether it is our previous generation whose monthly salary was only 20 or 30 yuan, or maybe 40 or 50 yuan, or my generation whose salary was 100 or 200 yuan, we all willingly gave our salaries to our parents.

People at that time didn't even receive much education on filial piety. On the contrary, the young generations today keep asking their parents for more and more, even complaining that it's not enough. This is completely harming them, you know?

你还觉得你挺好, 你对自己的孩子如果是这样的话,绝对是害他,他的福报是不够的,他没有这个福报接受,然后等他下辈子绝对是贫穷堕落的,他这辈子就肯定也不会很好、下辈子会更穷,肯定是这样的。
You may think you are doing the right thing. However, you are totally harming them, as they don't have enough merits to receive it. As a result, they will definitely fall into poverty in their next life. They won't go well in this life and will be even poorer in the next life.

Because they don't have the merits to enjoy it, while you give them your merits, so they will owe you in the next life. Moreover, they don't have the ability to contribute to society.

They have been taking from others the whole life without contributing anything back to society. So how can they get merits?

Therefore, we shouldn't indulge our children in excessive pleasures, but should be strict with them and discipline them, to ensure they won't become a threat to society. At least don't do bad things. Well, some people don't do bad things, but their selfishness makes them parasites in society.

Those who only take from society and parents but never want to contribute are bad people, right? They never thought, "After coming to this world, all I have, including clothing, food, shelter, and transportation, are provided by society."

Don't say, "They are provided by my parents." Your parents are also supported by society. Can they weave cloth themselves? Can they farm on their own? How much have they contributed to society?

Clothing, food, shelter, and transportation are all provided by others, while you simply enjoy them without any effort.

Those who don't give back to society and lack even the most basic gratitude will definitely fall into the three lower realms in their next life, mostly the animal realm, with almost no exception.

So it's terrible now. Despite how society appears now, it's hard to predict what it will be like in the future. Humans have already fallen to such a state, and God is watching. Natural disasters are actually caused by humans. What does this mean?

Do you think natural disasters are really caused by nature? No, they are all caused by humans. When we become irredeemable, disasters will fall upon us. This is what we call "natural disasters".

Why do Chinese people call it natural disaster—a disaster sent by heaven? We know that there is the Jade Emperor in heaven, who oversees human affairs.

If humans don't practice, and more than half of them are not even qualified to be humans, won't disasters befall them?

If you raise a parasite in society, you may still think you are helping him. Many children from rich families are like that—they simply indulge in a lavish life without making any contributions to society. In fact, you are harming them—in severe cases, they will directly fall, while in milder cases, they will be poor in their next life.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023