@易明之光 2023-12-24 字数 585 阅读 0

孩子不听话怎么办?What to do when a child doesn't listen?

第五辑 生命教育 Volume 5: Life Education

As teachers and parents, we all want to educate our children well. Some children are naturally obedient, which is good. However, if a child doesn't listen, what should be done? Common methods might involve direct scolding or punishment, but usually, this only arouses the child's rebellious spirit, making them even more disobedient and making change more difficult. Therefore, educating such children requires more wisdom.

When educating such children, even though we know they don't listen, we still need to gently tell them, 'You should do it this way...' However, they persist in their own opinions and do things according to their own ideas. This often leads to adverse consequences, causing them distress. They eventually realize, 'Oops, I was wrong,' and then think, 'Hmm, the adult said it like that.' Of course, there may not be much remorse. The next time they encounter a situation, you tell them again, 'You should do it this way... you should do it like this...' Yet, they still follow their own ideas because it's a different situation, and they continue to do things their way. After several times, even dozens of times, they gradually begin to realize that they should listen to the teacher and parents! Every time they don't listen, they end up in trouble and suffer the consequences, so they slowly start to correct their behaviours.

Suffering is a good thing! Suffering will force him to correct himself. Without suffering, he won't think of making corrections. Therefore, those who tread the righteous path are often compelled by failures and hardships.

Educating such children requires a great deal of patience because even if the child corrects their behaviours, there may be relapses. They might improve this time, but the next time, the lesson is forgotten, and they misbehave again. They have to face the consequences, learn the lesson, and start listening again. This cycle repeats countless times, gradually pushing them step by step towards the right path.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023