@易明之光 2023-12-24 字数 597 阅读 0

好孩子养成守则 Guidelines for Raising Good Children

第五辑 生命教育 Volume 5: Life Education

If we truly want our children to be good, and our future generations to be good, we must treat our parents well. If we are filial to our parents, our descendants will definitely flourish.

If we forget our parents and constantly embrace our children like treasures, we won't turn out well, and our children won't achieve much either. If you forget even your own parents, will your descendants be good? When he grows up and is also not filial to you. Our descendants would be worse off with each generation.

A person who is genuinely filial to their parents will value their parents more than their children. They will give the best food to their parents, not to their children. If the first thought in our mind is that parents are more important than children, then your child will surely turn out well. You don’t need to micromanage him. Provide for his basic needs, give him enough room for development, and he will naturally thrive.

Being excessively indulgent with your own children and neglecting the responsibilities of your parents, your child won't turn out well. The more you invest in him, the more he might end up ignoring you and being less filial in return. Nowadays, there are too many instances of this phenomenon in society—people who don't understand cause and effect and lack filial piety.

In Chinese filial piety culture, gratitude is emphasized. Because the kindness of parents towards us is the greatest, if our gratitude towards our parents is not strong enough, if it is weak, we often forget about them, and fail to remember them, then how can one be sincerely grateful to others? Forgetting the greatest benefactors, you become an ungrateful person.

Our kindness towards our own children is actually a kind of selfishness, an instinctive behavior like that of animals. Mice are also good to their own children. Humans shouldn't just be like animals, knowing only to be good to their own children and not to be good to their parents. Otherwise, the succeeding generations will surely be inferior to the previous ones.

Chinese culture emphasizes gratitude, remembering it, and expressing thankfulness. This applies to relationships between spouses and also extends to gratitude towards parents.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023