@易明之光 2023-12-24 字数 1053 阅读 0

请教给孩子,对生命的感觉 Teaching Children About the Sense of Life

第五辑 生命教育 Volume 5: Life Education

We train our children to read, play the piano, and acquire various life skills. We exhaust our efforts to teach them countless things, but ironically, we often neglect to teach them the most important thing— the sense of life.

What is the sense of life? It is the rotation of the sun and moon is not as touching as a little boy mourning the death of a sparrow in a barn. It is a heart that cannot bear to pluck beautiful flowers, a heart that wants to care for small animals, a tender and sensitive heart.

In the park, a mother sits on a bench, not far away, her child, a lovely little girl, is playing. The mother calls her to come over, and the little girl joyfully runs towards her but suddenly stops. Because between her and her mother, there is a small path covered with petals. It's spring, flowers are in full bloom throughout the garden, and the path is covered with a thick layer of petals, like a carpet. The little girl stops, unsure of how to cross. After a moment of hesitation, she runs to the other end of the path where there are no petals and goes around. It's a heart like that.

Petals are on the path; could you bear to step on them?

Perhaps some people have never deeply contemplated the concept of “life”. Some individuals may not have received any enlightenment about 'life' from a young age, so they wouldn't teach their children to respect life. However, this is actually very important.

Don't assume that innocent children don't understand anything. They would say, "The turtle's water is dirty, and it will feel uncomfortable. Let's quickly change the water for it. "They would say, "It's raining. Will the rain be hitting the small tree cause pain?" In their eyes, everything has life. Just like the small tree would feel pain when rain hits it, And the little turtle would feel uncomfortable if the water is dirty. How direct and touching these feelings are!

Don't dismiss children's words as childish and filter them out directly in your ears. How wonderful their sounds can be! Children will inevitably grow up, but what's important is that we must learn to protect their tender hearts. This way, even as they grow older, no matter how they change, there will always be a pure place in their hearts where they can love, understand, be moved, and appreciate beauty.

So, we must never reject the questions children ask in their daily lives. What they are asking about is "life". When you earnestly contemplate and answer each of their questions, when you delicately nurture this sense of life, you are safeguarding their most innocent nature, protecting the inherent goodness within them.

What you are safeguarding is the most precious thing in their life, something truly worthy of cherishing. Don't stifle the goodness and sensitivity in children. Don't let them grow up to be someone indifferent and callout towards life, numb, selfish, and cold. That is the most important thing.

Don't only focus on developing children's IQ; instead, nurture their inherent nature. Wisdom is neither about words nor brain thinking. In fact, the more a person engages with nature, the closer they get to the earth, the more their character approaches the Tao.

Life and the brain are two different concepts. A stronger brain doesn't mean a more brilliant life. The brain is about thinking, a product of nurture, while life is about nature. People should focus on developing the natural aspects of their being for a healthier life.

从小要给孩子培养一种仁爱天地万物的精神,让他能连接到大地,连接到万物, 连接到生命,这个其实很关键。
From an early age, instill in children a spirit of compassion towards all things in the world, enabling them to connect with the earth, all living beings, and life itself. This is, in fact, crucial.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023