@易明之光 2023-12-24 字数 1845 阅读 0

孩子不孝是被父母养坏的 A Lack of Filial Piety in A Child is Spoiled by Parents

第五辑 生命教育 Volume 5: Life Education

As parents, you must nurture your children well and cultivate them into individuals with both virtue and talent. The minimum requirement is that they should not pose a threat to society. People often say, "Lack of filial piety has three consequences, the greatest is having no descendants." If you have ten sons, and they all turn out to be either robbers or bandits, engaging in harmful activities, can you still claim to have descendants?

The term “having descendants” refers to an individual doing something valuable and beneficial for society, creating a positive impact on future generations. As an ordinary person, even if you may have limited abilities, if you can raise your children into useful individuals, it is still considered having descendants.

If you fail to educate your child properly, you are considered to have no descendants. If you haven't raised your child well, and they turn out to be exceptionally selfish, only focused on taking from society without contributing, it poses the greatest harm to society. If every parent ensures the proper education of their children, society would be more harmonious and peaceful.

The majority of parents don’t know how to educate children, tend to spoil their children, and are reluctant to let them experience hardship. In reality, children need to endure some difficulties during their early years. Those who haven't faced hardships during childhood are unlikely to achieve success in the long run. Saplings nurtured in a greenhouse will not grow into strong pillars.

Nowadays, many families have only one child, and these children often grow up self-centered from an early age. This is highly detrimental to their development. Few parents are willing to let their children experience hardship, thinking they are doing them a favor, but the truth is, it harms the child. Such children often grow up without a sense of gratitude. Those who don't appreciate their parents are unlikely to be genuinely kind to others. When they enter society, they may struggle to form positive relationships, and this is detrimental to the child's well-being.

When raising a child, it is essential to instill filial piety and, especially, a sense of gratitude. If a child lacks gratitude, it can be detrimental. In the future, they may first ignore you and fail to show filial respect. If a child does not understand filial piety and lack gratitude towards their parents, it's unlikely they will be grateful to others. Such an individual may become a thorough opportunist in society, always seeking to take rather than give. Even if they don't engage in criminal activities, they may resort to opportunism and, if in a position of authority, become corrupt.

If the son you raised, despite achieving a high-ranking position, ends up becoming corrupt, imprisoned, or even facing execution – a scenario not uncommon, as parents, how would you feel? It would undoubtedly be a shame and embarrassment. Some corrupt officials may deny their guilt, claiming they were framed or stood on the wrong side, but in reality, their actions were likely unethical, regardless of the side they claim to be on. They must have engaged in wrongdoing; otherwise, how would they end up in prison?

People, in a sense, are shaped by their parents. In society, no one will foster habits of laziness or entitlement. If you don't make an effort, you won't gain anything. Children can be spoiled by their parents because they receive without the need to pay back. This can gradually develop into an ungrateful attitude and a lack of understanding about gratitude. Regardless of how much parents provide; the child may feel it's insufficient and believe that other people's parents are better.

Parents should educate their children that it's not as easy as going outside and having someone else provide you with a meal. Even beggars expressing gratitude for a bowl of rice. From changing your diapers to raising you since you were a baby, shouldn't you be grateful?

So, if people are not educated, parents play a crucial role. Nowadays, many teachers may not emphasize these values in their teachings, and the societal consequences can be frightening.

When the majority of people lack a sense of gratitude, disasters may befall. Do you think natural disasters are truly just acts of nature? That's not necessarily the case.

This phrase, "The new explanation of lack of filial piety has three consequences, the greatest is having no descendants." can be instructive for everyone, especially for Chinese people. All should take a look and understand the concepts of major filial piety, moderate filial piety, and minor filial piety. It's essential not to focus solely on having sons. If you have a son and fail to raise him properly, leading to harm to society, it is the greatest act of unfilial conduct towards your parents. If your son ends up facing execution, imprisonment, or a life sentence, and your parents are still alive, imagine how they would feel. Wouldn't that be the ultimate act of unfilial conduct? It's not just a disgrace to your parents but to your ancestors as well.

Therefore, it is crucial to educate children from a young age. If you notice any issues or negative tendencies in your child, it is essential to address them rigorously from early on, preventing them from developing further.

The ages between three and seven are crucial, much like planting a tree. When it's still a sapling, you can easily guide and support it. However, as it grows larger, it becomes more challenging to influence. Starting from the age of three, a person's tendencies toward greed, anger, and ignorance begin to manifest. It is essential to be strict from an early age, teaching children to understand gratitude, discouraging greed, and instilling values like not taking advantage of others or engaging in theft.

Issues like corruption, embezzlement, and bribery in contemporary Chinese society essentially fall under the category of theft. It often stems from an inadequate upbringing by parents. The reason individuals may find it challenging to control themselves later in life is fundamentally connected to their upbringing. Generally, children raised by honest and well-educated parents are less likely to deviate from the right path, though there can be exceptions. Well-educated individuals, when they grow up, are less inclined to engage in corrupt activities. Even if they do, it tends to be on a smaller scale—doing favors for others and receiving small gifts, which, according to the ancient Chinese principle of reciprocal courtesy, may not be considered transgressions.

China today, numerous corrupt officials are apprehended each year. For those who are caught, how does it impact their parents, spouses, and children?

In the past, there were relatively few corrupt officials because ancient Chinese society placed great emphasis on education. Most individuals were raised with a focus on reading the Four Books and Five Classics. Some of the exceptionally rare corrupt officials were even "second-generation officials", meaning their parents held official positions, and they inherited their titles. The reason for their corruption could also be traced back to their inadequate upbringing. Generally, it's in the third or fourth generations and beyond that issues arise when parents overly indulge their children, and these children later assume official roles, leading to problems. The first generation that achieved their position through their efforts is typically less prone to corruption; it's a rare occurrence.

This problem is indeed challenging to solve. Without a change in the human mind, it seems ineffective. Only the education of sages and wise men can address this issue; no one else can. In the past, many believed that advancing technological productivity and ensuring prosperity for all would eliminate corruption. However, it's not the case; the more wealth people have, the more prone they may become to corruption. Can this solve the problem? Human desires are insatiable, and as wealth increases, so does the temptation for corruption.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023