@易明之光 2023-12-29 字数 1218 阅读 0

生命的方向:学道开发生命的奇迹 The Direction of Life: Studying the Way to Create Miracles of Life

第五辑 生命教育 Volume 5: Life Education

The aristocratic education system of the Zhou Dynasty in ancient China began around 1046 B.C. The Zhou royal court required students to master six fundamental skills: ritual, music, archery, charioteering, writing, and mathematics.

Ritual: This includes various ancient rituals; in modern times, it refers to various etiquettes and protocols.

Music: This refers to music and various arts related to music.

Archery: This refers to arrow shooting. In ancient times, this skill was important for hunting and warfare.

Charioteering: Whether in ancient or modern times, this encompasses the skills of driving various vehicles, as well as leadership skills such as strategy and management.

Writing: This primarily refers to language, involving understanding characters and their meanings, as well as calligraphy. Nowadays, it primarily refers to language skills.

Mathematics: This has been expanded to "mathematics, physics, and chemistry" now, encompassing all modern natural sciences.

The Six Arts cover various aspects of modern education. While modern education has developed and expanded significantly in the domain of the Six Arts, its essence remains the same. We should remember that modern education is rooted in the Six Arts.

Confucius said: "I set my aspirations on the Way, base myself on virtue, rely on benevolence, and relax in the arts." The 'arts' here refer to the Six Arts, which don't belong to the domain of the Way, virtue, and benevolence.

Nowadays, many people don't understand what it means to "set aspirations on the Way" and "base on virtue". As for "relying on benevolence", they merely take it as lip service, with only very few people putting it into practice.

The entire society is immersed in the Six Arts, so it is not called "relaxing in the arts" but rather "indulging in the arts." "Relaxing in the arts" means skillfully mastering the Six Arts based on virtue and benevolence, while "indulging in the arts" means pursuing the Six Arts without the foundation of virtue and benevolence, merely for fame, profit, economic value, and GDP.

Our current education system primarily focuses on teaching the Six Arts. Students acquire a lot of knowledge and skills, mainly for survival and competition. However, there is almost no education on the Way, virtue, and benevolence, or what they have are just a few slogans.

Today's people are too materialistic; many live like machines. If one doesn't pursue truth, virtue, and goodness, lacking creativity, their life is meaningless and pitiful.

Nowadays, in the computer and information technology era, there's no need to spend a lot of time memorizing knowledge. Understanding the basics is enough, and when needed, we can simply look it up on a computer. Of course, everyone should still learn some skills, especially those that computers can't do.

So, people today have plenty of free time to study the Way and virtue, and develop wisdom and potential.

The 21st century will be a great era, and we must seize this opportunity to create miracles of life.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023