@易明之光 2023-09-03 字数 937 阅读 0

1-1 众生的能量层级与其心灵境界有直接关系 One's Energy Level Is Determined by One's State of Mind

第七辑 心灵能量层级 Volume 7: Energy Levels in Spiritual Practice

Today, we will talk about something that is out of the curriculum. It's not based on sutras. Yet, I feel that it is necessary to share with everyone, as it allows us to view spiritual practice from a new perspective.

The scientific community has already revealed that everything in the universe is essentially energy. Be it matter or mind, everything in the universe operates on the basis of energy conversion.

Einstein's mass-energy equation illustrates that the essence of matter is energy. Matter can turn into energy. In other words, matter disappears but transforms into energy.

Everybody knows about nuclear fission and atomic bomb explosions, which are examples of matter being converted into energy. Even a small amount of this conversion can destroy an entire city; the released energy is immense.

Our minds operate in a similar way — whenever a thought arises, there is a conversion of energy.

Everyone is in a different energy field. Living beings have their bio-fields, and different beings are in different life energy fields. Therefore, the six realms of existence are categorized by energy levels, as birds of a feather flock together.

The fluctuations of an individual's energy state are directly related to their state of mind.

Scientific research has found that the factors that significantly influence or determine an individual's spiritual energy state do not include their education level, diploma, life experience, power, wealth, social status, or other worldly things. These things are not quite related to one's energy level. On the contrary, the above factors are significantly influenced by one's spiritual energy state.

The key factors that determine an individual's spiritual energy level are their social motives and state of mind.

It's not easy to elevate one's spiritual energy state. By analyzing vast amount of data, Hawkins, a Western scientist, found that positive mental states such as honesty, empathy, and understanding can strengthen an individual's willpower and physical strength,

...That is, enhancing your immunity. You need such positive energy to raise your immunity, in order to avoid being infected during epidemic. ...alter the vibrational frequency of particles in the body, thereby improving both physical and mental well-being as well as the entire journey of life.

The results of scientific experiments show that the energy level of each individual is determined by their beliefs, motives, ethics, and state of mind. One's energy level, in turn, determines everything in one's life.

What career you choose, who you live with, the friends you make, your preferences, etc., are all related to your energy level. Therefore, each of us will ultimately be responsible for each of our thoughts, words, and actions, and we will experience the pain that we have caused others to suffer.

This is about causality. We will inevitably experience the pain that we have caused others to suffer.

Extensive statistical data indicates that, in general, a person's energy field remains more or less the same throughout their lifetime. Unless triggered by significant events or guided by an enlightened being or great master, most people's spiritual energy state remains more or less the same throughout their lives.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023