@易明之光 2023-09-03 字数 873 阅读 0

1-2 人类处在不同能量级别的表现 How Does Different Energy Levels Look Like?

第七辑 心灵能量层级 Volume 7: Energy Levels in Spiritual Practice

Through education in society and family, some individuals might elevate, but the elevation is usually quite limited; a rise of ten or twenty points would already be considered impressive.

Meanwhile, influenced by negative people and other negative factors, many people will decline. When they reach middle or old age, their energy levels will have dropped a lot.

Nowadays, the society is in a state of decline. Most people's energy levels are in decline. Fewer people are elevating, while most are declining.

For an individual, to rise from below 200 to above 200 is a significant leap in energy state, which can even change the course of his life.

Research has shown that reaching an energy state of 250 is the beginning of a meaningful and fulfilling life.

The first step is to reach 250.

Because this is the energy state where an individual starts to be confident.

That is, when a person starts to be confident and willing to improve and lead a life with faith, then generally they can reach 250. Of course, this faith should be something that can be put into practice.

Surpassing 500 is a huge leap in energy. For individuals who have surpassed this level, material wealth and worldly needs are no longer important.

What does this mean? It means that a person who has genuine renunciation, who has scored above 80 in renunciation, I believe, can reach the level of 500.

A firm renunciation is required; not the kind of unstable or changeable renunciation, as that won't work.

Some people's renunciation is not qualified. Some may have renunciation now, but after encountering some temptations or tests, their renunciation may be forgotten. In this case, your renunciation is not qualified, your energy level hasn't reached 500 yet.

In this community, influenced by everyone, you may maintain an energy level of 500 now. But if you leave here and spend a few months elsewhere, your energy level may drop to 300 or 200; this is totally possible.

Ordinary people spend their whole lives in a worldly environment with people at levels of 200 or 300, so their energy levels almost remain unchanged due to mutual influence. If someone with a higher energy level hangs out with those below 200, gradually he might drop to below 200 as well.

Nowadays, many people's energy levels are below 200. They are full of negative energy and negative emotions. Those who are positive, optimistic, and kind can at least reach 250.

Ordinary people today are filled with negative energies like resentment, complaints, anger, jealousy, and selfishness. Many people's energy levels are below 200; this is a global issue and is terrible.

This is exactly why those true spiritual practitioners, spiritual mentors, great masters, and a very small number of exceptional artists (who are actually manifestations of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas) do not pursue or cling to material gains.

They are not attached to material gains, and don't pursue fame either.

I have also encountered genuine scientists who have no interest in fame and fortune, not even recognition; pursuing truth is their only interest. There are also a few artists like this, but very rare in history. You can hardly find a few such individuals even in a single era.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023