@易明之光 2023-09-03 字数 701 阅读 0

1-3 一个人的能量级别是可以提升的 We Can Elevate Our Energy Levels

第七辑 心灵能量层级 Volume 7: Energy Levels in Spiritual Practice

In a high spiritual state, that is, in a spiritual state with a high energy level, one's lifelong conviction on values, worldview, life view, and life goals can be overturned instantly! Hence, this kind of leap can lead a person to undergo a complete transformation and attain spiritual rebirth.

After learning the authentic Dharma, many people may be spiritually reborn in a short time with great joy. Those with sharp faculties can remain stable and even make quick progress. Whereas, some people are not stable. It all depends on one's faculty.

Such changes can rewrite an individual's life, and on top of that, their energy field can also influence others and even the world.

Mutual influence is certain. That's why we live in a monastic community. Since everyone is positive, we can influence and elevate each other in a positive way.

Some individuals might be slightly behind or have lower energy in some areas, but thanks to the help and influence from the community, they can elevate. At least they have experienced this state, so even if they return to the worldly life and decline, they will at least know what is a good state.

High-energy beings are open-minded, without strong attachment to particular views and without strong karmic habits.

Of course, even for those with high energy levels, spiritual practice is still crucial. Some people, even after reaching a certain level, may still be prone to decline due to insufficient practice. Some people tend to fluctuate, because they are not stable yet.

We need to strengthen the positive state we have, based on which we can make further progress. Just like a pyramid, the wider and thicker the base is, the better its stability becomes when approaching the top.

If the base is shaped like an inverted pyramid, it won't work, because the base is too thin. Likewise, some people rise quickly, but also fall quickly, because their foundation is not stable.

Energy levels are subject to change. Therefore, we can influence others and even influence the world.

As the Earth enters a new era, more people will move toward higher energy states, and the overall energy of the Earth will also rise to a higher level.

It refers to this time, and they call it the great elevation.

This requires more people to participate in this global awakening. More people need to move toward awakening, and more people need to be filled with compassion and joy.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023