@易明之光 2023-09-10 字数 1088 阅读 0

1-5 有信念的人不易被负能量影响 A Person With Faith Is Not Easily Influenced by Negative Energy

第七辑 心灵能量层级 Volume 7: Energy Levels in Spiritual Practice

Here we are talking about spiritual practice from another perspective which you may find easier to accept.

If your intentions and thoughts are negative, then the energy you generate is negative, which will further affect and pollute others, dragging them down. Aren't you dragging me and your fellow practitioners down?

Certainly! Because in order to uplift you, I need to consume energy, no matter how much it takes. I need to guide you and lower my energy to elevate yours, otherwise you can't receive it.

The energy levels of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are so high that those with low energy levels can't even receive. For instance, individuals with energy levels of 200 or 300 can't even receive the energy state above 700, let alone experience such blessings. The levels are too high for you to receive.

What we can receive are the teachings that Buddhas and Bodhisattvas offer by lowering their energy, so that we can receive and elevate. That's why the great masters said, "becoming a bandit in the woods", which means they humbly came to this impure world. Of course, their inner attainment won't decline, but outwardly, they teach what you can receive.

Perhaps, this is a higher-level arrangement of the universe to balance the overall energy on the Earth. In this way, the very few individuals with high energy levels offset the negative energy of the majority with low energy levels (to maintain balance), so that the overall energy level of humanity won't become so low as to bring about disasters or even extinction.

This is what I've mentioned earlier — they support you and prevent you from declining. If the majority of people keep declining, catastrophe will occur, causing a significant reduction in the population, as there is no way to change the situation.

So, when the number of spiritual practitioners decreases, most people will be like taking a train of decline, and catastrophe will come soon. This has been the case every time.

Scientists have discovered that this pattern applies to any organization. The spiritual energy of a few high-energy individuals can offset the negative energy of the majority. The overall energy level of an organization is determined by the average spiritual energy level of all its members.

For example, if the leader of a company has a high energy level, even if his employees are slightly behind, they won't be too far behind. Because he will uplift them through conferences and training, so that their energy levels won't be too low.

If the leader understands management and education, and provides more training to elevate his senior executives and middle managers, then the company will certainly enter a positive cycle. It would be even better to also provide training for the employees. In this way, the company will be excellent.

So, sometimes for a company, if the president is easily influenced by others and place a wrong person in an important position, such as choosing the wrong secretary, general manager, or department manager, then the company may run into big trouble.

Because as the president, if you are not stable and lack strong positive energy, you are easily influenced by external factors... Ordinary beings, even including corporate leaders, can be influenced by others. On the other hand, devout Buddhists or those with strong faith, who are at least faithfully upholding the Five Precepts, usually won't be affected by negative energy.

Secular people who have no faith are easily influenced by others. Whereas, a person with faith or belief is not easily influenced by negative people.

Therefore, in an organization, the more high-energy members there are, the higher the energy level of the organization is.

The secret principle of a successful organization is that its level of success is determined by its overall energy level.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023