@易明之光 2023-09-03 字数 614 阅读 0

1-7 能量级别的高低是相对而论的 Energy Levels Are Relative

第七辑 心灵能量层级 Volume 7: Energy Levels in Spiritual Practice

This secret is worth pondering. Not only humans, but also objects (ordinary living beings) and the entire society, can be included in the energy level system.

In other words, it not only applies to humans, but also to all living beings on Earth, including the tiniest forms of life. Just like the experiment conducted on water — when sending positive emotions to the water, beautiful water crystals are formed; when cursing it, it becomes terrible. This demonstrates that microorganisms, as well as the invisible realm of spirits and ghosts, are interconnected.

The beings in the realm of spirits and ghosts may influence us, and we may influence them as well. Some people can easily connect to and resonate with spirits and ghosts. We are interconnected, especially when it comes to the mutual influence between us and spirits and ghosts.

The Eight Legions in the heavenly realm also have an influence on us, but it's not significant, because we can't receive it as they are invisible to many of us. Children can see heavenly beings, but most adults lose this ability as they grow older.

Some low-energy individuals can see ghosts. However, it's not always the case, because in the realm of spirits and ghosts, there are also high-energy beings and positive-energy Dharma protectors, with even very high energy levels.

Energy levels are relative.

If you are at the level of reason (that is, you maintain a positive and rational state), then watching TV or news (whose main contents are at level of fear or desire) will temporarily lower your spiritual level. However, if you are at the level of guilt, then watching TV or news may elevate your spiritual level.

If you are at the level of guilt, then watching a movie or some news may even elevate you.

Now let's ponder: what is the biggest influence you receive in your current life? Which of the people, things, and items around you, have elevated your spiritual energy level, and which have lowered it?

We must actively bring ourselves closer to the resources that can help us achieve the next leap, allowing those positive resources to elevate our own frequency.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023