@易明之光 2023-09-11 字数 930 阅读 0

1-8 修行人最基本的能量态是勇气和接纳 Courage & Acceptance: The Most Fundamental Energy States for Practitioners

第七辑 心灵能量层级 Volume 7: Energy Levels in Spiritual Practice

As humans, what is the most important thing in life?

In your life, you will see that different aspects of you may be at different levels.

This energy state doesn't refer to just one aspect, but is a combination of multiple aspects. Your energy of compassion, wisdom, courage, and kindness collectively determine the level you are at.

However, you should be able to roughly identify your current overall or average energy level. For instance, overall, you might be at the level of courage (that is, being bold and daring), but also mixed with the level of various desires.

Everyone is a combination of different aspects. If you have a strong desire in a certain area, it will drag you down. If you have strong negative energy in a certain area, you should pay special attention to cultivating that area. Don't let it drag you down and prevent your overall level from rising, as our energy levels encompass multiple aspects.

The areas where your energy levels are low will drag you down, and meanwhile, you will also find that some aspects of yourself are at higher levels. You might be at the level of acceptance (that is, willing to accept positive energy), and feel inspired after reading a book at the level of reason and wisdom.

Humbly look at these states, and see if they can lead you to a deeper insight, which may help you achieve the next leap in your life.

Therefore, as spiritual practitioners, our most fundamental energy states are the state of courage and the state of acceptance — having the courage to accept positive energy.

Many people choose to block; when you talk to them, they reject it. Because they have their own strong beliefs, attachments, and selfishness, they refuse to accept.

First, you need to be receptive; otherwise, you can never elevate. Some people are very self-righteous and completely block out the things they don't want to accept, even if those things are beneficial. They shield themselves from anything they don't want to accept. This is a terrible attitude.

It's not easy for such people to change, yet they don't easily decline as well. They tend to remain stable at around 200 to 250, for instance. Such people are very stubborn, opinionated, and resistant to change. It's not easy for them to decline or elevate. They are pathetic, as there's almost no way for them to make a leap.

Before taking the spiritual journey, some practitioners used to be terrible and declined rapidly, because they were open to anything. However, after encountering the authentic Dharma, they also elevate rapidly. Individuals with such a receptive attitude are more prone to change. They are courageous, fearless, and willing to accept new things. However, they are also prone to committing negative karma.

Before engaging in spiritual practice, many practitioners had accumulated a lot of negative karma, even worse than ordinary people. Such cases do exist. However, after encountering the authentic Dharma, they quickly elevate and transform. There are also many such cases.

As long as it is your own choice, there's no right or wrong in regard to spiritual state (there's no absolute right or wrong), but only a difference in energy levels. Don't label yourself with any specific state. That is, don't limit yourself and don't assume you are always right.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023