@易明之光 2023-09-03 字数 919 阅读 0

2-4 最重要的事情是提升自己的灵性能量态 The Most Important Thing is to Elevate Our Spiritual Energy State

第七辑 心灵能量层级 Volume 7: Energy Levels in Spiritual Practice

Elevating one's spiritual energy level is not an easy task, as it requires immense life energy to progress from one level to a higher one.

Converting from an ordinary person to one who keeps the Five Precepts and practices the Ten Virtuous Actions is not easy.

Similarly, progressing from one who pursues worldly blessings to one who pursues liberation, as well as progressing from one who practices the way of liberation to one who practices the way of the Bodhisattva, are also very difficult. Without virtuous roots, such changes are impossible.

The reason you can change so quickly is that you have cultivated in past lives, and you have virtuous roots. In this lifetime, what you did is just opening your heart.

Some people with sharp faculties can quickly recover their previous state of practice as soon as they open up.

Elevating to a higher level in a single lifetime is extremely difficult.
Unless you have already reached that level in the past, then it's relatively easier.

Without conscious effort after awakening or help from great masters, you may spend your entire life in your current state, unless some great external force enters your life.

That's why those who are below the level of courage can't make progress without external help.
They make no progress and are bound to decline; the rate of decline varies from person to person.

Perhaps some circumstances lead you to attend a lecture by a great master, and the profound impact of the speech awakens you instantly. The power of such awakening may elevate your energy level by dozens or even more points within a day.
This is because you have virtuous roots in the past, so upon hearing the teaching, you naturally resonate with it.

As human beings, the most important thing we can do is to elevate our spiritual energy state. A change in level can fundamentally transform everything in your life.

Your spiritual energy level ultimately determines the achievements and abundance in your life. The extent to which you achieve your goals in life depends on your spiritual energy level.

What's amazing is that when we make efforts after awakening, we also radiate a higher level of spiritual energy to those around us.
As you diligently practice, the life field you emit will influence those around you.

Imagine if everyone could at least reach the level of acceptance, how amazing the world would become!
First, we need to make people in the world willing to accept help from individuals with high energy levels, and then the rest will be easier.

Based on the same principle, if any organization, any enterprise included, wants to achieve its goals more easily, the most effective way is to take practical measures to elevate its overall energy level.

There are various methods to achieve this, such as elevating the spiritual energy levels of current members, hiring new members with high spiritual energy levels, or dismissing members with low spiritual energy levels.

The best way is to invite individuals with high spiritual energy levels to teach and guide everyone to meditate. This is the most effective approach.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023