@易明之光 2023-09-03 字数 1246 阅读 0

2-6 随缘就是平等 "Let It Be": The True Equality

第七辑 心灵能量层级 Volume 7: Energy Levels in Spiritual Practice

Here it says that we can chant some good poems and read classics, to free ourselves from meaningless thoughts, actions, and relationships.

This is important. Don't waste your time. Our time is precious, so we should use it to help those who can be helped.

Some people are willing to accept our help, so we should invest our time in them, rather than wasting it on those who are unwilling to accept or even reject our help. Why do you impose your help on them? It's useless.

Imposing help on others consumes lots of our energy. Some people, when you simply talk to them, will follow and practice with you. However, if you exhaust all your efforts in forcibly helping others, the energy you consume is immense. Too much energy is consumed on such people. Originally, we could have helped a thousand people, but by consuming our energy on such a person, we still couldn't help him.

So, we can only let such people suffer, but we should still be compassionate to them. We must free ourselves from such efforts and get rid of emotional attachments.

We should strive to free ourselves from meaningless thoughts, actions, and relationships. Because you can't help him, as he refuses to accept your help. So, your efforts are meaningless.

Of course, the term "meaningless" is relative; there is no absolute meaninglessness. It means the value is extremely small, almost negligible, and it might even have negative impacts.

When we are not stable enough, our efforts can lead to negative effects. When our compassion, wisdom, and energy are stable enough, even though we won't be negatively affected by such people, it's not worth the effort.

Instead of wasting our efforts on such people, we can help others. There are countless sentient beings waiting for our help. There are countless beings we have karmic connections with, who were our parents in past lives.

For some beings, if you impose your help on them, they may even pretend to be reserved. This is totally meaningless.

As long as you strive to have the most wonderful things in the world around you, your level will more or less elevate, or at least not decline. And all of this is also creating an energy field vibrating at a high frequency!

Well, this is said by a worldly person, and it reflects the mentality of a beginner. However, if your bodhichitta is firm enough and you have great compassion, you should save people in the secular world. At that time, you should go back and help those with low energy levels, influence them, help them, but always let it be.

I have always emphasized the principle of "let it be", which means don't be too attached to anyone. When you have emotional attachment to someone, you become distorted. Your energy field starts to change, and you become attached.

We should treat our parents and loved ones in this way—don't be too attached. Why?
Because in every lifetime, we all have parents and families, and all of them need our help.

No matter which one you cling to, it's not right. Because if you cling to one, you will neglect the others, and that is not equal. Equality means helping everyone impartially. Whoever has a karmic connection with us, we will help them. This "letting it be", is true equality.

Equality and patience—as I often say, "equally waiting for those who have a karmic connection with you." This is the way of the Bodhisattva.

Bodhisattvas are unsentimental. They are not swayed by personal feelings. However, their energy pervades everything. They have the same compassion and bodhicitta toward everyone.

Their aspiration is for you to attain Buddhahood, the ultimate and perfect liberation. How noble! Shouldn't we feel grateful to such Bodhisattvas? Shouldn't we learn from them?

We should learn from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva is more compassionate than us, but he never rushes. So why do you rush?

Pray to Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva to bless your parents, and dedicate the merits to them and to all your parents in all lifetimes. Don't just dedicate the merits to your parents in this lifetime; dedicate them to all parents, that is, all sentient beings.

In this way, you will have a broad mind, and your energy field will boost instantly.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023