@易明之光 2023-09-17 字数 1283 阅读 0

1-3 觉悟的心就要不断地去练习 Awareness needs constant practice

第八辑 把心带回家 Volume 8: Bringing the Mind Home

"Training" the mind does not in any way mean forcibly subjugating the mind. From spiritual teachings and through personal experience in meditation practice, the awareness sees directly and concretely how the mind functions. Then you can tame the mind and work with it skillfully, to gradually eliminate delusion.

So it's not subjugating them. After mastering this method, the awareness needs to practice constantly. Only through constant practice can one eventually uproot all the delusions and attachments.

This is similar to some worldly things. For example, when we practice Tai Chi, after you've learnt a routine, you need to practice it every day. After solo practice, you also need to practice with fellow practitioners. Only in this way can we truly have skills, and rich and flexible experience to deal with opponents.

Practicing routines can enhance our inner strength, whereas practicing with others can accumulate experience in defeating opponents and mastering the true essence of Tai Chi flexibly.

It's the same with playing Go. After learning how to play Go, you need to practice every day on how to place stones, occupy territory, and capture the opponent's stones. Afterwards, you also need to practice with a partner, and grow through partner practice.

Just as a writer only learns a spontaneous freedom of expression after years of often grueling study ever since childhood. And just as the simple grace of a dancer is achieved only with enormous, patient effort for over 10 years since childhood.

It's all the same. Learning meditation is similar. When the mind begins to wake up, it masters the right method.

The mind also needs long-term practice. After practicing for a period, it'll reach perfection. Whatever you do, as long as your mind is fully devoted, you'll reach perfection.

This is true for both worldly things and meditation. It's so meaningful to do this, more meaningful than anything else. It's the most meaningful thing in life.

Through learning meditation and mastering meditation methods, the mind can understand and realize the truth of the universe, become clear and free, with amazing power. This is the most meaningful thing in life.

Doing other things is also to train us. Our mind needs enlightenment, after which even doing worldly things becomes meaningful. At that time, doing worldly things is to train our mind, to realize through practice, and to benefit sentient beings. While benefiting sentient beings, the mind is perfected.

Without enlightenment, if you seek Dharma from external illusions, your life would be meaningless with innumerable sufferings.

Meditation can make the mind more and more pliable, so that you can become master of your own mind and employ it to its fullest and most beneficial end.

If the mind is trained to be extremely pure and pliable without any emotion, it'll soon find the truth and get enlightened.

The eighth-century Buddhist master Shantideva said: If this elephant of mind is bound on all sides by the cord of mindfulness, all fear disappears and complete happiness comes.

In reality, there is no enemy outside of our mind. All enemies are in our mind. Our emotions are just like tigers, lions, elephants, bears, serpents; and those fear, pride, etc. are all our enemies.

All of these are bound by the mastery of your mind, and by the taming of that one mind, these beast-like negative emotions and the demon of pride are subdued, even completely destroyed in the end.

So when you begin to understand where meditation will lead you, you will approach it as the greatest endeavor of your life, one that demands of you the deepest perseverance, enthusiasm, intelligence, and discipline.

To realize the truth, the mind needs to first learn meditation, which is the best way to realize the truth. When you abide in deep concentration, free from any affliction in the desire realm, and even transcend the form realm and the formless realm, the wisdom of emptiness will appear soon.

When the mind is completely tranquil, it's qualified to turn wisdom on. At this time, whatever I say to inspire you, like a key, will probably turn your wisdom on, and eradicate the ignorance.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023