@易明之光 2023-09-17 字数 971 阅读 0

2-2 禅修时要放下一切执著 Let go of all attachments

第八辑 把心带回家 Volume 8: Bringing the Mind Home

To release means to release mind from its prison of grasping, since you recognize that all pain and fear and distress arise from the craving of the grasping mind.

On a deeper level, the realization and confidence that arise from your growing understanding of the nature of mind inspire the profound and natural generosity.

When the awakening mind starts to be generous, it's very contrived. The awakening mind forces itself to be generous to others, because it feels that it's right to do so.

When one is generous, the mind gradually becomes more relaxed. Through constant practice in this way, it will gradually become natural, and generosity will be easier and more profound.

When the mind realizes and sees its true nature, it becomes generous to all beings and things, which is the most profound generosity.

In the inspiration of meditation, let go of all attachments. Only in meditation can one use the light of wisdom learned to shine through and ultimately dissolve the attachments.

Without meditation, simply having some wisdom on an understanding level is useless, which is merely some understanding. With wisdom in meditation, you can clearly observe the afflictions and attachments, and then release them and relax your mind.

There is a famous saying: "If the mind is not contrived, it is spontaneously blissful, just as water, when not agitated, is by nature transparent and clear."

Finally, slip quietly out of the noose of your habitual anxious self. The word "slip" is interesting, which means to sneak away. Because our afflictions will never allow our mind to be free, they always try to control our mind. Only with wisdom can we slip out of anxiety and afflictions.

Let go of all the attachments, and enter the true nature of your mind. It is like pouring a handful of sand onto a flat surface; each grain settles of its own accord. This is how you relax into your true nature, letting all thoughts and emotions naturally subside and dissolve into the state of the nature of mind.

The attitude towards thoughts and emotions should be to recognize them as like waves, arising from the ocean and eventually returning to it. The awakening mind shouldn't be too attached to these thoughts and emotions, as they are impermanent and devoid of inherent nature.

Quietly sitting, body still, speech silent, mind at peace, let thoughts and emotions, whatever arises, come and go, without clinging to anything.

Don't cling to them or try to push them away, that won't work. Just observe them and let them pass, like a thief sneaking away. Emotions and thoughts will come and go. As we still have karmic habits, they won't be absent.

Don't be afraid of thoughts or emotions. The key is to have a clear awareness that sees its truth nature. When we maintain awareness, the major afflictions, emotions, and thoughts will gradually disappear, and we can observe subtler afflictions, thoughts, and emotions.

What does this state feel like? When we successfully complete a day's work, there is nothing to worry about, nothing hindering in our mind, we feel content and joyful.

Then, we return home exhausted, completely relaxing on a comfortable sofa or bed. At this point, when the practitioner reflects the light inward, he may see a state of mind that has never appeared before.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023