@易明之光 2023-09-17 字数 655 阅读 0

2-3 禅修要创造正确的内心环境 Create the right inner environment for meditation

第八辑 把心带回家 Volume 8: Bringing the Mind Home

So when we meditate, it is essential to create the right inner environment of the mind. All effort and struggle come from not being spacious.

When we meditate, we should also have this status, sit, cross legs, relax completely, with no hindrances in the mind, and nothing to cling to.

When worldly people work and interact with others, they always have some motives and always want to gain something or make plans for the future.

However, practitioners are different. When interacting with anyone, we always hope that they are well and never want to get anything from them or establish a relationship. We only want to benefit them.

If they start to learn Buddhism, gain wisdom, or experience the joy of meditation through our conversations or interactions, that's enough.

We don't expect anything from them. Meditators have such a mindset - content, free, and without any attachment.

So, as monastics spreading the Dharma, we should also be mindful. When helping those with roots of virtue, we should have no expectation, but maintain a selfless, pure intention to benefit others.

When self-attachment comes back, the mind would be no longer pure. Besides, the relationship and connection with sentient beings may also result in attachment.

Therefore, to have a right inner environment, it's more important to learn Buddha's wisdom, as only this wisdom can lead to a right inner environment.

The minds of sentient beings are constantly making choices, either to adopt or to abandon, suffering from gains and losses, and struggling. This is very tiring, and getting old quickly.

If you want to live longer, you should adjust your mindset. Let go half of your attachment on gains and losses, and your lifespan would be extended by half. It's not very hard.

Meditation is the most enjoyable experience in life, so meditators are very joyful and happy. First, create a right inner environment, and then you can abide in deep meditation. This is a basic condition for deep meditation. If your attitude is not set right, meditation can't arise.

When humor and spaciousness are present, meditation arises effortlessly.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023