@易明之光 2023-09-17 字数 544 阅读 0

7-1 禅修时保持觉察 Maintain Our Awareness During Meditation

第八辑 把心带回家 Volume 8: Bringing the Mind Home

Today, we will continue to talk about thoughts and emotions.

When people begin to meditate, they often say that their thoughts are running riot and have become wilder than ever before. But I reassure them that this is a good sign. Far from meaning that your thoughts have become wilder, it shows that you have become quieter and more alert.

It's like an organization or a company that used to have no gatekeeper at the entrance. Good and bad people would come and go freely. Since nobody was watching, you have no idea who came and went, and how many people came and went.

But now, with a gatekeeper, you can see whoever enters and exits clearly. Even an ant crawling by can be seen. Having the gatekeeper is like being able to notice and be aware of our coarse thoughts and emotions.

Our awareness is like the gatekeeper. As our awareness increases, it's as if the gatekeeper has upgraded. What does the gatekeeper upgrade into? He upgrades into a gate deity.

A gate deity is far more advanced than a gatekeeper, as he can even see invisible beings such as ghosts passing by.

At this point, you are finally aware of just how noisy your thoughts have always been. Don't be disheartened or give up. Whatever arises, just keep being present.

It's like being a gatekeeper, you don't block whoever comes, nor do you greet and welcome whoever comes. The gatekeeper simply watches whoever comes and goes at the entrance. He stops bad guys, but doesn't interfere ordinary people or staff.

Our awareness is like a gatekeeper—just watching and staying alert. Of course, a gatekeeper must not fall asleep or leave his post to do something else. This means we need to maintain our awareness.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023