@易明之光 2023-11-02 字数 548 阅读 0

7-5 思想和情绪的本质也是我们心性的光芒 The Essence of Thoughts and Emotions is the Radiance of Our Mind

第八辑 把心带回家 Volume 8: Bringing the Mind Home

The thoughts and emotions of ordinary beings are also the radiance and expression of the very nature of the mind, although mixed with ignorance, karma, and afflictions.

Whatever arises, don't see it as a particular problem and don't worry.

If you don't impulsively react (don't care about it), if you are only patient, it will once again settle into its essential nature.

Being patient is very important. Regarding your thoughts and emotions, cultivate the habit of being patient and stay mindful.

Of course, "being patient" is an advanced method which doesn't work for beginners. Beginners must apply antidotes.

If you don't apply antidotes to afflictions such as greed, anger, jealousy, arrogance, and ego, you can't stop them, like waves in the ocean; they will grow.

Therefore, "being patient" doesn't work for beginners, as it is an advanced method, but it's fine to know it beforehand.

When you have few afflictions or when you meditate, you can occasionally try this method to see if you can calm down.

The key is to understand that thoughts and emotions come from the very nature of our mind. When you have this understanding, then rising thoughts only enhance your practice. You will no longer fear or reject thoughts, nor will you worry about them.

If you understand what they intrinsically are—the radiance of the nature of your mind, then your thoughts will not hinder your practice. We can be patient with our subtle thoughts and emotions, and be aware of their arising and ceasing.

So have a spacious, open, and compassionate attitude toward your thoughts and emotions, because in fact your thoughts are your family, your mind's function. Before them, we should be like an old wise man, watching a child play.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023