@易明之光 2023-11-02 字数 873 阅读 0

9-1 禅修中休息和禅坐同样重要 Practice and Breaks Are Equally Important in Meditation

第八辑 把心带回家 Volume 8: Bringing the Mind Home

Taking breaks makes the mind clearer; when legs are properly crossed, energy flow will rise, which also makes you more alert.

Dudjom Rinpoche used to say that a beginner should practice in short sessions. Practice for four or five minutes, and then take a short break of just one minute.

"Taking a short break of just one minute" doesn't mean moving around, but to sit there without using any meditation method.

Let go of the method, but don't let go of your mindfulness altogether.

Your mindfulness is still there. Although you are not using meditation method, your mindfulness may be even clearer.

Sometimes when you have been struggling to practice, curiously, the very moment when you take a break from the method—if you are still mindful and present—is the moment when meditation actually happens.

This is because when you are struggling to practice meditation, you may have attachment and constantly seek to enter meditative state. However, when you take a break and let go of the method, your attachment stops too. At that moment, true mindfulness arises, free from any attachments.

That is why the break is just as important a part of meditation as the sitting itself.

In other words, during meditation, we shouldn't constantly use the method. Instead, we should take regular breaks—use it for five minutes and then take a break. Don't cling to the method, but take breaks from it.

However, even when the method is paused, your mindfulness is not paused.

Let's take swimming as an analogy. When you swim, you start with paddling strongly. But when you stop paddling, you stretch your arms and legs, floating forward effortlessly.

Competent swimmers know exertion and relaxation: when you need to exert, you do so; but when you don't need to, you relax completely with hands and legs fully straightened, and your body will drift forward spontaneously and swiftly.

Exert when necessary and relax otherwise.

Non-swimmers tend to thrash around, and before long, they are choked by water. They struggle in the water, kick their legs and use their hands to desperately grab at anything, and end up crying for help.

A competent swimmer only makes necessary movements. He makes a strong forward stroke and then relaxes his arms and legs completely. Then the body floats forward spontaneously without further effort.

For non-swimmers, as long as you are not afraid, you can float by simply pressing down on water. The body will float spontaneously. There is no need to punch water desperately. Pressing down on water when you are about to sink is all it takes to keep you afloat.

If your body is allowed to take breaks, you can swim any distance. Similarly, legs rest alternately during walks and are therefore not exhausted.

Likewise, we should take breaks during meditation. We need to alternate between using the method and letting go of the method.

Sometimes I tell students who are having problems with their practice to practice during the break and take a break during their meditation! Please remember this.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023