@易明之光 2023-11-02 字数 1428 阅读 0

9-2 什么是禅修 What Is Meditation

第八辑 把心带回家 Volume 8: Bringing the Mind Home

What is meditation?

If you are practicing mindful breathing, then your meditation is mindful breathing. After a period of practice, take a break while maintaining mindfulness.

The next step is to be mindful during meditation. Let's take the meditation on multiplicity as an example. Meditate for a while, and then take a break while abiding in the state of mind that was just cultivated.

Meditate that the body is composed of multiple parts, including the aggregates of form, feeling, perception, etc., one by one. Then take a break and let your mind rest. Pause your meditation and rest your mind briefly in the sense of multiplicity.

When the sense of multiplicity fades away, start to meditate again. You can meditate on impermanence—the arising and ceasing of aggregates moment by moment. After meditating for a while, take another break and abide in the post-meditation state of mind.

This is because after meditation, your attachment and tendency to perceive things as real will dissipate, so that you can rest in the state of mindfulness. Hence, it is said, "practice during the break".

What does it mean to "practice during the break"? It means when your mind is free from attachments, you are resting, whether you are lying down or sitting.

打坐的时候,你不要说:“我要打坐了。”不要这样想。坐下的时候,你说:“我要休息了。”这样想,坐下来放松。因为你休息嘛,肯定是放松的,就像躺下一样——坐那里跟躺着一样, 什么都不想了,就可以开始禅修了。
When you meditate, instead of thinking "I'm going to meditate," think, "I'm going to rest," and then sit and relax. Since you are resting, you are certainly relaxed, as if you are lying down. When you put away all your thoughts, you can begin your meditation.

If you sit there nervously, constantly thinking about something like "When will I enter meditation? When will I...", being attached to your meditation, you won't be able to enter the right state.

所以叫“在休息的时候禅修” ——你的心歇下来了以后才能进入禅修的状态,才能够如理作意。
That's why it's recommended to "practice during the break"—only when your mind settles down can you enter the meditative state and attain mindfulness.

And what about "taking a break during meditation"? It means don't constantly use the method after mindfulness is attained. Take a break from meditation, stop practicing, relax, and abide in the post-meditation state. Hence, it's called "taking a break during meditation".

Progress will be swift when you alternate practice and rest. Bear this in mind to progress quickly.

Sit for a short time; then take a break, a very short break of about thirty seconds or a minute.

But be mindful of whatever you do.

Remain mindful when resting. The so-called mindfulness means right attention. Mindfulness arises only when you pay attention according to the reality.

Don't lose your presence and its natural ease. Then alert yourself and sit again.

For example, when meditating on no-self, after mindfulness arises, you can take a break. That is, rest your mind. Moments later, you can resume your meditation. Because when the mind is at rest, ego reappears and attachments return.

This is inevitable, as our strong ego-grasping has been deeply rooted since beginningless time. Therefore, we need to alternate between practices and breaks to make swift progress.

You cannot meditate all the time. You won't be able to bear it: constant meditation is too intense that your body will be exhausted very soon, your mind will run away, and you will lose your mindfulness.

You cannot constantly engage in meditation. You need to take a break after a meditation session, so as to maintain mindfulness.

If you do many short sessions like this, your breaks will often make your meditation more real.

True meditative state may arise when you relax and rest. In fact, when meditating, you are engaging in analytical meditation; whereas, when you take a break, you may abide in stabilizing meditation. It's best to carry out these two types of meditation alternately.

Your breaks will often make your meditation more real and more inspiring; They will take the clumsy, irksome rigidity out of your practice.

Why do you feel rigid when sitting? Because you are trying to meditate, and the more you try, the more attached you become. You are not sure how to correctly apply the method, and your mind wanders restlessly. This indicates that you don't even know how to use the method.

这里说“令人心烦的僵硬感”,因为你在禅修中不懂得放松,思想会变得僵硬、变得紧张——僵硬感、严肃感和不自然, 我们的心会变成这样——“笨拙”。
Here it says "irksome rigidity". Because you don't know how to relax during meditation, your mind becomes rigid and tense. Rigidity, solemnity and unnaturalness. Our mind will end up being…"clumsy"!

If you know how to rest, meditation will bring you more and more focus and ease. Because when you relax, your mind becomes more focused and settled.

Gradually, through this interplay of breaks and sitting, the barrier between meditation and everyday life will crumble.

In daily life, you can apply the same approach. Before engaging in any task, take a moment to bring up mindfulness, meditate, relax, and then begin the task. Before doing anything, meditate to bring up your mindfulness. This is called meditation.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023