@易明之光 2023-11-02 字数 1645 阅读 0

9-3 生活禅怎么修 How to Practice Living Meditation

第八辑 把心带回家 Volume 8: Bringing the Mind Home

Meditation may take only a few seconds, or ten or twenty seconds before you carry out daily activities. This incorporates mindfulness into your daily life. In this way, meditation will gradually be an integral part of your daily life.

Meditation is not limited to sitting there. Wherever you go, you can always be mindful and then carry out your task.

Your mind will become tranquil, focused, open, and spacious. You no longer see or look for others' faults, because your mind abides in its own state.

Whoever you see, you are filled with loving-kindness and joy. Loving-kindness is a kind of happiness—you wish to bring happiness to all beings. First, you need to be happy. If you are not happy yourself, how can you wish others to be happy?

The so-called loving-kindness is about cultivating inner peace and joy. By radiating this positive energy, you share your joy with others, and their moods also brighten. This is spreading loving-kindness.

With boundless loving-kindness, all beings close to you are influenced by your loving-kindness, and they too become kind and compassionate.

As their loving-kindness arises, you mutually influence one another, in a state of harmony and joy. There are no barriers in your hearts, as everyone is filled with loving-kindness.

Among fellow practitioners, it's common to maintain loving-kindness; when facing sentient beings, our compassion may arise. When we see beings in suffering, great compassion will spontaneously arise.

Among fellow practitioners, with common pursuit and understanding on the spiritual path, our loving-kindness mutually influences one another. Loving-kindness is magnetic and positive. It's different from compassion, which may bring about tears.

Loving-kindness and mutual influence among fellow practitioners bring about unity. Because when you see a fellow practitioner, your loving-kindness arises; similarly, when they see you, their loving-kindness also arises. This brings joy and comfort. When both of you are cultivating loving-kindness towards each other, there are no barriers in your hearts.

When loving-kindness is cultivated, boundless joy arises simultaneously, which is mutual rejoicing. As you both have loving-kindness, resonate with each other, and feel happy for each other, boundless joy and boundless loving-kindness arise.

Of course, during this time, we should also cultivate boundless equanimity, otherwise mutual attachment will be a problem.

The four boundless qualities should be cultivated daily, and it's pretty interesting to integrate them into daily life. In daily life, take a moment to cultivate the four boundless qualities before collaborating with fellow practitioners. This is a form of rest—work can be rest, while meditation is a practice—a practice in daily life.

If you are finding faults in others, you should immediately repent and cultivate loving-kindness, joy, and equanimity.

Equanimity calls for wisdom. Use wisdom to cultivate boundless equanimity—boundless equanimity is wisdom. Without wisdom, boundless equanimity won't arise.

We should eliminate attachment and anger towards sentient beings. This practice calls for wisdom. During meditation, you can cultivate boundless equanimity towards the person you are attached to, and meditate on no-self. Since there is no self or other, attachment naturally dissolves. Therefore, boundless equanimity requires the wisdom of no-self.

At this point, the boundary between meditation and daily life gradually fades away. The contrast between them will dissolve, and you will find yourself increasingly in your natural pure presence, without distraction.

你在生活当中也变得好像在禅修当中一样, 生活当中就是禅修,禅修就是生活,所以叫生活禅。
You live your daily life as if you are in meditation. Life is meditation, and meditation is life, so it's called "living meditation".

Some people claim to "practice living meditation". However, this is not easy. It should be noted that this meditation is not in the same category as the "Zen tradition" or "attaining enlightenment". It's about practicing meditation in daily life.

"Living meditation" means integrating meditation into your daily life and living your life as a meditative practice. This explanation is better.

When discussing "living meditation" with others, you can explain it in this manner. This is what "living meditation" is about. Don't make it sound too lofty, like attaining enlightenment, which is impossible.

当然了,禅宗的祖师大德是真正的最高境界的生活禅。我们现在达不到那么高境界的生活禅, 我们的生活禅境界稍微低一点,但是也很有用、很有效 ——我们要修跟我们根基相应的生活禅。
Of course, the great Zen masters did practice the highest level of living meditation. However, that is currently beyond our reach. Our living meditation may be at a lower level, but it's very useful and effective. We should practice the living meditation that suits our faculties.

With strong ego-grasping and low realization, how can we engage in Zen practice or seek enlightenment? That would be deceiving yourself, which is useless.

We should practice what is useful in our daily life, that is, mindfulness. You can frequently integrate mindfulness into your daily life by taking regular breaks: put your tasks aside and take a break from your life, and then meditate to bring up mindfulness, before continuing with your tasks. This is living meditation—regularly cultivating mindfulness in our daily life.

In daily life, there are many occasions for solitude, such as while commuting, walking, brushing your teeth, using the restroom, and washing your face.

Even when putting on your makeups, as many women do, you can look into the mirror and meditate. While applying makeup, you can meditate on impurity, multiplicity, and impermanence.

This is what living meditation is about. It's impossible to attain enlightenment under such circumstances.

Truly enlightened beings, like great masters, did practice living meditation at the highest level. However, that is beyond our reach for now. We should practice step by step.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023