@易明之光 2023-12-31 字数 938 阅读 0

真正的大国崛起,乃是文化和道德的复兴!The True Rise of a Great Nation Lies in the Revival of its Culture and Morality

第九辑 圣贤之音 - 文化与道德的乐章 Volume 9: Culture & Virtue - Echoes of the Sage

Excerpt from The Way of the Bodhisattva 31

Confucius said, "At forty, I had no doubts; at fifty, I understood the will of Heaven." "Understood the will of Heaven" means knowing the grand principles of the universe and the truth of life, which requires great wisdom. So Confucius was an enlightened sage. Many people clearly don't understand Chinese culture still attempt to teach others, misrepresenting Confucius' philosophy as mere matters of hierarchy and formalities, or the Three Obediences and Four Virtues. In fact, these are just etiquette. When a society loses its Way and virtue, and all that remains is etiquette without morality, humanity becomes hypocritical, deceiving one another.

Chinese people are like this - they rarely speak the truth! They speak one set of words in the political arena, another set of words in the business world, and at home, they speak yet another set. They have to speak different set of words in different places. That's why many foreigners struggle to adapt when they come to China. This national characteristic of the Chinese is unique and unmatched by any other nationality.

Only by reviving our true traditional culture can China have hope. Otherwise, we will be "beaten" and bullied by others. In fact, the relationship between countries are akin to children in their early teens. A vulnerable child is bound to be bullied. Children are straightforward - if they bully you, it's clear they are bullying you. Unlike adults, they won't target you directly, but instead employ conspiracies behind your back.

The relationships between children are straightforward and transparent. So are the relationships between countries - purely based on interests. If you are backward and weak, they will beat you, bully you, blackmail you, and curb you. You can do nothing. This is the inevitable manifestation of the degeneration of human nature.

Our Chinese culture is not like that. When China was strong in ancient times, we would assist those weaker nations, making them submit to us. At that time, we were a mighty nation, and the surrounding small countries would voluntarily submit and attach themselves to us, paying tribute. It was not us invading them; it was them admiring us.

That's how the ancient Chinese empire was. No other nation in human history has experienced such an era where the morality and strength of a country would lead smaller nations to voluntarily submit without the need for bullying or attacking them. This is known as the "Way of the King".

In contrast, the opposite of the "Way of the King" is the "Way of the Tyrant." The Way of the Tyrant involves forcing obedience through violence; if you don't obey, you get beaten. During the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Period, there was also the Way of the Tyrant. Later on, Confucius' Confucianism gained popularity, advocating for self-cultivation, harmonious family, good governance, and bringing peace to the world. Confucian culture emphasized the importance of cultivating oneself before being able to govern a country and bring peace to the world. Such a philosophy was not present in other nations at that time.

The instinct of humans is inherently selfish and requires enlightenment. Later on, the West embraced Christianity, which instilled faith and emphasized acts of charity and love. It is precisely because of Christianity that the Western world has its current civilization. Without faith, there would be no civilization, and humanity would inevitably decline.

Currently, Chinese culture is experiencing a revival, and China's national strength is also being rejuvenated. Can a nation truly prosper without the revival of its culture? Therefore, the hope of our country lies in the revival of culture and morality.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023