@易明之光 2023-12-31 字数 3552 阅读 0

一些所谓的“知识”,比无知更可怕 Some So-Called 'Knowledge': More Terrifying Than Ignorance

第九辑 圣贤之音 - 文化与道德的乐章 Volume 9: Culture & Virtue - Echoes of the Sage

Today, our education system, from primary school to university, focuses more on imparting knowledge, skills, and specialized expertise, but it lacks a focus on culture. As a result, we have produced many sophisticated egoists and highly educated barbarians who are cold and indifferent.

There is a famous saying: "Knowledge is power." It is well-known among the Chinese people, and they strongly identify with it. Looking back at history, after 1840, China faced the scientific and technological advancements of the West and proved vulnerable. As a result, a conclusion was drawn: "Being backward leads to being beaten." This backwardness referred specifically to the backwardness in science and technology.

From a practical perspective, if we cannot perform well in a standardized test with our knowledge today, we may not be able to get into a good university or pursue a desirable major, which can potentially hinder us from finding a good job and fulfilling our material desires more effectively.

Regardless of historical experience or present pressures, we all know how crucial knowledge is. However, today, I want to talk to you about the limitations of knowledge, despite its undeniable significance.

01 这根胡萝卜把他一辈子都拴死了
01 This carrot has tied him down his whole life

Firstly, knowledge is infinite. What is knowledge? It is the understanding of all the facts in this world. Since the world is boundless, knowledge is also boundless. The tragic aspect is that our lives are finite. Chuang Tzu once said, "My life has its limit, while knowledge has no limit; with a limited life to pursue limitless knowledge, it will lead to exhaustion." The world is boundless, and our lives are limited. If we use our limited lives to pursue the infinite knowledge contained within the boundless world, our life will be wasted.

When knowledge is not systematic, it is useless, simply a collection of fragments. For example, there was a newspaper that organized a competition on traditional Chinese culture knowledge. They invited a group of experts to create a set of questions on traditional Chinese culture. After the questions were completed, the editor asked me to review them. After looking at it for 5 minutes, my judgment was summarized in six words: uninteresting, boring, and useless.

For example, there was a question asking: "During which period in Chinese history were eunuchs allowed to marry?" This is a very serious piece of knowledge. If you specialize in studying eunuchs and thoroughly understand their living conditions, psychological states, as well as their positions, influence, and roles in Chinese history, you will become an extraordinary expert. However, if your main focus is not on this topic, such fragments of knowledge will be of no use to you.

There was another question: When was the carrot introduced to China? If you can transform it into systematic knowledge for analysis and research, it becomes meaningful. However, if someone lacks the willingness and purpose to do so and is only concerned with knowing when the carrot was introduced to China, such knowledge is not only useless to them but may also have a negative impact.

Because he knew that most people didn't know the answer, he felt a sense of secret delight in his heart, considering himself the most knowledgeable person in the world. He especially wanted others to know this about him. As a result, he waited eagerly every day for someone to ask, hoping to gain admiration from others. To achieve this, he might order carrots every time he dined with friends. While others enjoyed their meals, he patiently waited for that one question.

This carrot tied him down for his entire life.

02 你们的知识总量都超过孔子
02 Your total amount of knowledge surpasses that of Confucius

The German philosopher Nietzsche wrote an article titled "Why I Am So Clever." His conclusion can be summarized in one sentence: "The reason I am so clever is that I never waste my energy on unnecessary things."

Once, I was in a taxi, and the driver was listening to a knowledge quiz program. In the program, the host played five music clips, each lasting a few seconds, and then asked, "Out of these five music clips, two of them belong to the same song. Who knows which ones?" A young man eagerly responded that he knew and answered correctly.

Following that, the second question was: "Do you know which two songs are from the same music album?" At this point, I became anxious, fearing that he might know the answer. If he didn't know, it would mean he was just an ordinary person. But if he did, it could ruin his life. However, unexpectedly, he knew the answer. At that moment, I asked the driver to turn off the radio. The driver was surprised and asked why. I said, "It's insulting our intelligence and misleading the direction of our lives."

This is what we call useless knowledge, and there is too much of such useless knowledge in life. For example, many people are concerned about the favorite color of a certain celebrity, their zodiac sign, how many times they got married, and how many times they got divorced. When a person invests their energy in these areas, they may acquire knowledge and be able to chat with others at the dinner table, but they will become particularly trivial.

Our lives were never meant to possess infinite knowledge. What's even more lamentable is that trivial knowledge can make life become dull, and fragmented knowledge can erode one's character, even leading to pettiness.

Confucius' student, Zixia, said long time ago, "Even in a small path, there must be something worth observing," but he also warned, "Being absorbed in trivial matters can lead to stagnation; hence, a true gentleman does not engage in them." Even if it's just knowledge like when carrots were introduced to China, you can use it to brag yourself, but if you consistently focus your cognition on such information, your life will surely lack achievements. By filling your life with trivial knowledge, you turn it into fragments, and that is why a true gentleman does not indulge in them.

Xunzi once proposed a discernment of knowledge.

He said that some knowledge is dull, useless, and uninteresting. Xunzi made a judgment on such knowledge, saying, "Not knowing it does not prevent one from becoming a noble person; knowing it, one could still be a petty person." Knowing such knowledge does not make you a noble person, and not knowing it doesn't turn you into a petty person.

For certain knowledge, it adds nothing to your life, so why waste energy and time on it? However, in life, there are indeed many people who, with great enthusiasm and interest, immerse themselves in trivial knowledge and end up fragmenting their own lives.

In fact, there is something more important beyond knowledge.

In the book "Liezi," there is a chapter called "Debating the Sun's Position" that many of you have read. Two children were debating whether the sun is closer to us in the morning or at noon. Each had their reasons: one argued that it was closer in the morning because the sun appears bigger, while the other claimed it was closer at noon because the sun feels hotter.

Confucius lived under significant pressure; he was practically the "Google" and "Baidu" of his time, as everyone would come to him with their questions. Two children asked Confucius a question, but he couldn't give a judgment. Consequently, the author used the children's tone to satirize Confucius, saying, "Who says you know so much?" The author probably intended that by denying Confucius' extensive knowledge, one could deny his value.

This approach is evidently incorrect. In the examination of knowledge in life, who can stand until the end? Today, I will make a bet with all of you. I can present a set of knowledge questions, each with a definite correct answer, and I can ensure that everyone present scores zero. Conversely, you can also give me a set of knowledge questions worth 100 scores, and I won't be able to get a single score.

For instance, Fudan University once included a question in their independent enrollment examination. The teacher made a requirement to the students: "You must ask me a question now that meets two conditions: first, it must be a question I cannot answer, and second, you must have a standard answer." Many people found this question quite shocking, but I think it's brilliant. It tells us that in the examination of knowledge, no one can stand until the end. A clever student immediately asked, "Teacher, do you know my grandfather's name?"

I can also follow this approach and give you all a question without any effort, ensuring that everyone scores zero. Do you know my grandfather's name? Do you know my grandmother's name? Do you know the name of my grandfather's second uncle? Whoever can answer, I'll treat you tonight. You see, knowledge can bring down anyone.

If we were to measure the total amount of knowledge, I believe that everyone present here today would surpass Confucius. For example, I could present questions related to computer science, physics, English, mathematics, and the like, and Confucius would undoubtedly be unable to answer them compared to all of you.

But does that mean we are at a higher level than Confucius in terms of inner development? This brings up another question: what determines Confucius' inner development is not just the total amount of knowledge but something else. Confucius himself had long said, "Do I truly possess knowledge? No, I do not." Do I have knowledge? No, I don't. Socrates also once stated, "What I know more than others is simply my awareness of my own ignorance."

They say these things not to be humble, but simply to speak the truth. Faced with the boundlessness of the world, the knowledge in our fleeting lives can be disregarded. Therefore, we should allow ourselves to acknowledge our ignorance and also be tolerant of others' ignorance.

You find me unpleasant and want to give me a math problem. To prevent others from giving me math problems again, I studied math every day for ten years. By the time the Liberation Daily's Cultural Forum reached around 6800 issues, I finally had the courage to give a speech. Suddenly, someone said, "Teacher Bao, I have a set of physics questions." You wouldn't do something like that, right? Because you would be tolerant of my ignorance, just as we should be tolerant of others' ignorance. However, there is one situation we cannot tolerate, and that is the lack of conscience.

03 没有知识可以被宽容,没有良知不可以被宽容
03 Ignorance can be tolerated, but the lack of conscience cannot be tolerated.

Ignorance can be tolerated, but the lack of conscience cannot be tolerated. When faced with standardized exams, it's okay to answer incorrectly, but when it comes to matters of judgment in conscience, right and wrong, good and evil, if there are problems, it becomes a serious issue.

I will tell you a story. One day, a father discovered that his 15-year-old daughter was not at home and had left behind a letter. In the letter, it said,

"Dear Mom and Dad, today I eloped with Randy. Randy is a very unique person with various tattoos all over his body. He is only 42 years old, which isn't old, right? We will be living in the forest together. Of course, it won't be just the two of us; Randy has a few other women with him, but I don't mind. We will be growing marijuana there, not only for ourselves but also to sell to our friends. I also hope we can have many children in that place. During this journey, I also hope that medical technology can make significant advancements so that Randy's AIDS can be cured."

The father, upon reading this, was already devastated. However, he noticed that there was another sentence at the bottom: "To be continued, please read the back."

On the back, it was written:

"Dad, everything written on that page is not true. The truth is that I was at my classmate's house next door, and the midterm exam papers were kept in the drawer. You can sign on it after opening. The reason I wrote this letter is to tell you that there are things worse than not doing well on a test paper in this world. Please call me now and let me know that I can safely come back home."

This letter illustrates that a person can make mistakes on the test paper of knowledge, and may even make mistakes not just once but throughout their entire life, leaving us ignorant even in old age. However, when it comes to matters of conscience, making one mistake can be irreversible. Therefore, what is more crucial than factual judgment is value judgment. When it comes to factual judgment, we may not be able to know everything about factual matters, but as a person, one should have a conscience and the ability to make value judgments as human beings. This is something that we should strive to as much as possible.

One of the issues in Chinese society today is the lack of critical thinking. A problem with China's education is the lack of cultural literacy. For instance, to resist Japanese products, many young people take to the streets and smash others' cars, and even harm others physically. They carry a passion in their hearts, thinking they are showing "loving the country," but in reality, they are "harming the country."

Why would someone with a strong sense of patriotism engage in activities that hinder the country and damage the image of Chinese people? What are they lacking? Conscience.

Knowledge is power, but I want to tell everyone that conscience is the direction. We often say that falling behind invites defeat, but I also want to tell everyone that barbarism will also attract trouble.

易明之光 Mini读书@2023