@易明之光 @Mini读书会

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第七辑 心灵能量层级 Volume 7: Energy Levels in Spiritual Practice(17篇)


  1. 1-1 众生的能量层级与其心灵境界有直接关系 One's Energy Level Is Determined by One's State of Mind 937字
  2. 1-2 人类处在不同能量级别的表现 How Does Different Energy Levels Look Like? 873字
  3. 1-3 一个人的能量级别是可以提升的 We Can Elevate Our Energy Levels 701字
  4. 1-4 人类的能量状态会相互影响 Our Energy Levels Can Influence Each Other 1319字
  5. 1-5 有信念的人不易被负能量影响 A Person With Faith Is Not Easily Influenced by Negative Energy 1088字
  6. 1-6 有助于提升人类能量级别的伟大秘密 The Biggest Secret to Help Humans Elevate Energy Levels 1516字
  7. 1-7 能量级别的高低是相对而论的 Energy Levels Are Relative 614字
  8. 1-8 修行人最基本的能量态是勇气和接纳 Courage & Acceptance: The Most Fundamental Energy States for Practitioners 930字
  9. 1-9 修行要像金字塔一样稳固基础 Build a Pyramid-Like Foundation for Your Spiritual Journey 920字
  10. 2-1 保持感恩心才能提升自己的能量层次 Only with Gratitude Can We Elevate Our Energy Levels 942字
  11. 2-2 度众生一定要随缘 "Let It Be": The Principle for Helping Sentient Beings 738字
  12. 2-3 持咒的前提是要有慈悲心 Compassion: The Prerequisite for Chanting Mantras 469字
  13. 2-4 最重要的事情是提升自己的灵性能量态 The Most Important Thing is to Elevate Our Spiritual Energy State 919字
  14. 2-5 强大的感恩心是非常重要的 Having a Strong Sense of Gratitude is Crucial 2001字
  15. 2-6 随缘就是平等 "Let It Be": The True Equality 1246字
  16. 2-7 个人能量态的级别与自己的修行有关 One's Energy Levels Are Determined by One's Spiritual Practice 651字
  17. 2-8 开放的思想和空杯的心态是能量态进步的必需前提 An Open Mind and Empty-Cup Attitude: The Prerequisite to Elevate One's Energy Level 994字

易明之光 Mini读书@2023