@易明之光 @Mini读书会

Mini读书会 -Mini Book Club


第一辑 安乐与自在 Volume 1: Inner Peace and Freedom(16篇)


  1. 01 痛苦的种类 Types of Sufferings 653字
  2. 02 心理上的痛苦 Psychological Suffering 1926字
  3. 03 变苦(快乐)增长贪欲,贪欲增长痛苦 The Suffering of Change (Happiness) Increases Greed, While Greed Increases Suffering 1943字
  4. 04 每个生命出厂模式是不一样的 Every life comes with a unique factory setting 1439字
  5. 05 出厂模式和成长环境 Factory Setting and Growth Environment 2781字
  6. 06 活着就是为了继续活着 To Live is to Continue Living 2243字
  7. 07 快乐与安乐的区别 Happiness vs. Peace 2052字
  8. 08 缘起法则 The Principle of Dependent Arising 2031字
  9. 09 天赋、爱好和性格并非遗传 Talents, Hobbies, and Personality Are Not Inherited 1835字
  10. 10 自由意志和行苦 Free Will and Pervasive Suffering 2145字
  11. 11 人类被快乐欺骗了 Humans Are Deceived by Happiness 1516字
  12. 12 人类被自由欺骗了 Humans Are Deceived by Freedom 2666字
  13. 13 前世今生和因果 Past Lives, Present Life, and Causality 3036字
  14. 14 业因业果、好了歌 Karmic Cause, Karmic Effect, and Hao Liao Ge 1609字
  15. 15 凡是让你“爽”的东西,一定会让你痛苦 Anything that makes you feel pleasure will surely make you suffer 2183字
  16. 00 引言 Introduction 640字

易明之光 Mini读书@2023