@易明之光 @Mini读书会

Mini读书会 -Mini Book Club


第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart(21篇)


  1. 爱和情不是一回事 Love and Affection are not the Same Thing 1118字
  2. 割断欲望之绳 Cutting off the Rope of Desire 726字
  3. 快乐是有公式的?Is Happiness Formulaic? 947字
  4. 我的幸福我做主 My Happiness, My Choice 937字
  5. 为何我们总是缺乏安全感 Why Do We Always Lack a Sense of Security? 619字
  6. 会伤害我们的,是我们对事情的想法 What Can Harm Us Is Our Thoughts About Things 714字
  7. 世界是你心的倒影:当你不看月亮的时候,月亮还在吗?The World is the Reflection of Your Mind: When You're Not Looking at the Moon, Does the Moon Still Exist? 1306字
  8. 声音是客观存在的吗?Is Sound Objectively Present? 970字
  9. 什么是宇宙万物创造者?Who is the Creator of All Things in the Universe? 734字
  10. 自由与行苦 Freedom and Pervasive Suffering 670字
  11. 祸福转换一念间 One Thought Away: From Misfortune to Blessings 212字
  12. 像我这么善良的人,为什么没感受到好报呢? Why Haven't I Felt the Rewards of Being Such a Kind Person? 784字
  13. 心性的弹性和可塑性 The Flexibility and Plasticity of the Mind 1042字
  14. 警醒!正在被这个时代“废掉”的五类人 Alert! Five Types of People who are Being "Eliminated" by this Era 1118字
  15. 佛陀的沉默——佛陀不回答的十个问题 Buddha's Silence - 10 Questions the Buddha Did not Answer 2674字
  16. 面对未知的正确心态 The Right Attitude Towards the Unknown 444字
  17. 世界是可知的吗?Is the World Knowable? 1968字
  18. 福报的终极意义 The Ultimate Meaning of Karmic Rewards 759字
  19. 堪破行善的本质 Insight into the Essence of Practicing Positive Actions 616字
  20. 颜色是怎样产生的? How Colors Are Produced? 2331字
  21. 傲慢心和自信心的区别 Ego vs. Confidence 2442字

易明之光 Mini读书@2023