@易明之光 @Mini读书会

Mini读书会 -Mini Book Club


第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People(24篇)


  1. 事业成功的关键 The Key to Career Success 957字
  2. 老好人,其实就是自私 Goody-Two-Shoes: Actually Selfish 431字
  3. 大师养成四要素 The Four Elements to Cultivate Mastery 459字
  4. 返璞归真是怎样达成的?How to Achieve the Return to Authenticity? 922字
  5. 婚姻不幸的女人,怎么改变命运?How to Change Destiny of Unhappy Women in Marriage 575字
  6. 不在其位,不谋其政 Not in Position, Not Deciding 576字
  7. 缺点是条可爱的小狗 Flaws are a lovely little dog 240字
  8. 如何才能服众?How to Win Public Trust? 486字
  9. 如何成为阳光的人?Becoming a Positive and Sunny Person 409字
  10. 如何识人?How to Understand People 415字
  11. 世纪大难题——婆媳关系不好,谁是关键?The Century's Big Dilemma: Poor Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law Relationship, Who Holds the Key? 613字
  12. “不孝有三,无后为大”,你理解对了吗? 2680字
  13. 说话的艺术 The Art of Communication 648字
  14. 与人和睦相处的秘诀 The Secret to Harmonious Interactions with Others 512字
  15. 追星族们,醒醒吧!Star Chasers, Wake Up! 934字
  16. 做人,还是低调点比较好 Being Low-Key Is Better 478字
  17. 做到这句话,做人就成功了 Success as a Person Hinges on Embracing this Saying 628字
  18. 如何成为沟通达人?How to Become a Communication Expert? 1083字
  19. 真正不求回报的心态 The True Mindset of Seeking Nothing in Return 341字
  20. 恕道(版本一)The Way of Forgiveness V1 1019字
  21. 坏人变好人的第一步 The First Step in Turning a Bad Person into a Good Person 2655字
  22. 明哲保身终害己 Being Worldly Wise and Playing Safe Eventually Harms Oneself 1236字
  23. 恕道(版本二)The Way of Forgiveness V2 1189字
  24. 做事情的关注点 The Focus of Doing Things 1705字

易明之光 Mini读书@2023