@易明之光 @Mini读书会

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第八辑 把心带回家 Volume 8: Bringing the Mind Home(43篇)


  1. 1-1 我们每个人都是自己的救世主 We Are Our Own Saviors 501字
  2. 1-2 禅坐可以引领我们回到真心 Meditation - the way to bring us back to ourselves 1088字
  3. 1-3 觉悟的心就要不断地去练习 Awareness needs constant practice 1283字
  4. 1-4 抓紧时间禅修 Seize the time to meditate 740字
  5. 2-1 “回光返照”可以让我们见到本来面目 "Reflecting the light inward" can reveal our true nature 773字
  6. 2-2 禅修时要放下一切执著 Let go of all attachments 971字
  7. 2-3 禅修要创造正确的内心环境 Create the right inner environment for meditation 655字
  8. 2-4 打坐不作打坐想 Meditate without thinking that you're meditating 963字
  9. 3-1 禅修的坐姿是善巧方便之一 Meditation posture is a skillful means 638字
  10. 3-2 心轮通过智慧脉和眼睛连通 The heart center is connected to the eyes through wisdom channels 1131字
  11. 3-3 为什么禅坐中要睁开眼睛 Why should we keep our eyes open during meditation_ 526字
  12. 3-4 去除执着最关键的是要有空性的智慧 The key to eliminating attachment is to have the wisdom of emptiness 704字
  13. 4-1 深呼吸有益我们的健康 Deep breathing is good for health 490字
  14. 4-2 正确的方法和宁静祥和的环境有助于进入禅定 Right method & peaceful environment can help us enter meditation 1216字
  15. 5-1 第一种禅坐方法—观呼吸 Meditation method 1—Watching the breath 1444字
  16. 6 微妙的平衡 A Delicate Balance 853字
  17. 7-1 禅修时保持觉察 Maintain Our Awareness During Meditation 544字
  18. 5-2 第二种禅坐方法—使用一个对象 Meditation method 2—Using an object 877字
  19. 5-3 第三种禅坐方法—念咒 Meditation method 3—Reciting a mantra 795字
  20. 7-2 观到念头起处 Look at Where Thoughts Arise 555字
  21. 7-3 禅修过程中念头的变化过程 How Thoughts Change During Meditation 637字
  22. 7-4 真空与妙用 大海与波浪 True Emptiness & Wondrous Existence, Ocean & Waves 827字
  23. 7-5 思想和情绪的本质也是我们心性的光芒 The Essence of Thoughts and Emotions is the Radiance of Our Mind 548字
  24. 7-6 心量广大才能够客观地看待自己的思想和情绪 Only with a Broad Mind Can We Objectively View Our Thoughts and Emotions 1556字
  25. 7-7 没有了杂念的时候无明才会现出来 Only When There Is No More Distracting Thought Will Ignorance Appear 536字
  26. 8-1 禅修中的经验是觉悟的材料 Experiences in Meditation Are Materials for Realization 991字
  27. 8-2 对经验保持正念 Maintain Mindfulness During Experiences 1355字
  28. 8-3 如何脱离禅修时的昏沉 How Do You Get Out of Drowsiness During Meditation_ 786字
  29. 8-4 不执著禅修的觉受很重要 Don't Be Attached to Meditative Experiences 719字
  30. 8-5 超越人天道要通达有漏皆苦 To Transcend the Human and Heavenly Way, We Must Realize _All Contaminated Things Are Suffering_ 937字
  31. 9-1 禅修中休息和禅坐同样重要 Practice and Breaks Are Equally Important in Meditation 873字
  32. 9-2 什么是禅修 What Is Meditation 1428字
  33. 9-3 生活禅怎么修 How to Practice Living Meditation 1645字
  34. 10-1 要把禅修结合在生活中 Integrating Meditation Into Daily Life 635字
  35. 10-2 如何在日常生活中保持正念 How to Maintain Mindfulness in Daily Life 1004字
  36. 10-3 体悟事物的本性如梦如幻 Experiencing the Illusory Nature of Everything 1303字
  37. 10-4 以不执著的心态禅修与做事 Meditate and Work Without Attachment 1166字
  38. 10-5 禅修的真正奇迹是一种细微的转化 The Real Miracle of Meditation Is a Subtle Transformation 925字
  39. 11-1 禅修要有灵感和原创性 Meditation Requires Inspiration and Creativity 1612字
  40. 11-2 使禅修变得喜悦的方法01 How to Make Meditation Joyful - 1 863字
  41. 11-3 使禅修变得喜悦的方法02 How to Make Meditation Joyful - 2 1049字
  42. 11-4 有智慧才能微笑面对一切 Only With Wisdom Can We Face Everything Smilingly 634字
  43. 11-5 全心全意地去修上师相应法 Practicing Guru Yoga With Full Devotion 1089字

易明之光 Mini读书@2023