Mini读书会-Mini Book Club
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第一辑 安乐与自在 Volume 1: Inner Peace and Freedom(16篇)
- 00 引言 Introduction 640字
- 01 痛苦的种类 Types of Sufferings 653字
- 02 心理上的痛苦 Psychological Suffering 1926字
- 03 变苦(快乐)增长贪欲,贪欲增长痛苦 The Suffering of Change (Happiness) Increases Greed, While Greed Increases Suffering 1943字
- 04 每个生命出厂模式是不一样的 Every life comes with a unique factory setting 1439字
- 05 出厂模式和成长环境 Factory Setting and Growth Environment 2781字
- 06 活着就是为了继续活着 To Live is to Continue Living 2243字
- 07 快乐与安乐的区别 Happiness vs. Peace 2052字
- 08 缘起法则 The Principle of Dependent Arising 2031字
- 09 天赋、爱好和性格并非遗传 Talents, Hobbies, and Personality Are Not Inherited 1835字
- 10 自由意志和行苦 Free Will and Pervasive Suffering 2145字
- 11 人类被快乐欺骗了 Humans Are Deceived by Happiness 1516字
- 12 人类被自由欺骗了 Humans Are Deceived by Freedom 2666字
- 13 前世今生和因果 Past Lives, Present Life, and Causality 3036字
- 14 业因业果、好了歌 Karmic Cause, Karmic Effect, and Hao Liao Ge 1609字
- 15 凡是让你“爽”的东西,一定会让你痛苦 Anything that makes you feel pleasure will surely make you suffer 2183字
第二辑 直抵心灵的真相 Volume 2: Truth That Touches Your Heart(21篇)
- 爱和情不是一回事 Love and Affection are not the Same Thing 1118字
- 割断欲望之绳 Cutting off the Rope of Desire 726字
- 快乐是有公式的?Is Happiness Formulaic? 947字
- 我的幸福我做主 My Happiness, My Choice 937字
- 为何我们总是缺乏安全感 Why Do We Always Lack a Sense of Security? 619字
- 会伤害我们的,是我们对事情的想法 What Can Harm Us Is Our Thoughts About Things 714字
- 世界是你心的倒影:当你不看月亮的时候,月亮还在吗?The World is the Reflection of Your Mind: When You're Not Looking at the Moon, Does the Moon Still Exist? 1306字
- 声音是客观存在的吗?Is Sound Objectively Present? 970字
- 什么是宇宙万物创造者?Who is the Creator of All Things in the Universe? 734字
- 自由与行苦 Freedom and Pervasive Suffering 670字
- 祸福转换一念间 One Thought Away: From Misfortune to Blessings 212字
- 像我这么善良的人,为什么没感受到好报呢? Why Haven't I Felt the Rewards of Being Such a Kind Person? 784字
- 心性的弹性和可塑性 The Flexibility and Plasticity of the Mind 1042字
- 警醒!正在被这个时代“废掉”的五类人 Alert! Five Types of People who are Being "Eliminated" by this Era 1118字
- 佛陀的沉默——佛陀不回答的十个问题 Buddha's Silence - 10 Questions the Buddha Did not Answer 2674字
- 面对未知的正确心态 The Right Attitude Towards the Unknown 444字
- 世界是可知的吗?Is the World Knowable? 1968字
- 福报的终极意义 The Ultimate Meaning of Karmic Rewards 759字
- 堪破行善的本质 Insight into the Essence of Practicing Positive Actions 616字
- 颜色是怎样产生的? How Colors Are Produced? 2331字
- 傲慢心和自信心的区别 Ego vs. Confidence 2442字
第三辑 为人处世 Volume 3: Dealing with People(24篇)
- 事业成功的关键 The Key to Career Success 957字
- 老好人,其实就是自私 Goody-Two-Shoes: Actually Selfish 431字
- 大师养成四要素 The Four Elements to Cultivate Mastery 459字
- 返璞归真是怎样达成的?How to Achieve the Return to Authenticity? 922字
- 婚姻不幸的女人,怎么改变命运?How to Change Destiny of Unhappy Women in Marriage 575字
- 不在其位,不谋其政 Not in Position, Not Deciding 576字
- 缺点是条可爱的小狗 Flaws are a lovely little dog 240字
- 如何才能服众?How to Win Public Trust? 486字
- 如何成为阳光的人?Becoming a Positive and Sunny Person 409字
- 如何识人?How to Understand People 415字
- 世纪大难题——婆媳关系不好,谁是关键?The Century's Big Dilemma: Poor Mother-in-law and Daughter-in-law Relationship, Who Holds the Key? 613字
- “不孝有三,无后为大”,你理解对了吗? 2680字
- 说话的艺术 The Art of Communication 648字
- 与人和睦相处的秘诀 The Secret to Harmonious Interactions with Others 512字
- 追星族们,醒醒吧!Star Chasers, Wake Up! 934字
- 做人,还是低调点比较好 Being Low-Key Is Better 478字
- 做到这句话,做人就成功了 Success as a Person Hinges on Embracing this Saying 628字
- 如何成为沟通达人?How to Become a Communication Expert? 1083字
- 真正不求回报的心态 The True Mindset of Seeking Nothing in Return 341字
- 坏人变好人的第一步 The First Step in Turning a Bad Person into a Good Person 2655字
- 明哲保身终害己 Being Worldly Wise and Playing Safe Eventually Harms Oneself 1236字
- 恕道(版本一)The Way of Forgiveness V1 1019字
- 恕道(版本二)The Way of Forgiveness V2 1189字
- 做事情的关注点 The Focus of Doing Things 1705字
第四辑 中医养生 Volume 4: Traditional Chinese Medicine & Wellness(5篇)
- 百病由心生——这是非常有科学根据的! 2946字
- 如何养脾胃? 617字
- 晚起伤肾 438字
- 虚荣心也会让人生病? 552字
- 养气血的最佳方式 499字
第五辑 生命教育 Volume 5: Life Education(10篇)
- 孩子不听话怎么办?What to do when a child doesn't listen? 585字
- 好孩子养成守则 Guidelines for Raising Good Children 597字
- 请教给孩子,对生命的感觉 Teaching Children About the Sense of Life 1053字
- 一个儿童教育家的成功经验 The Success Experience of a Child Educator 613字
- 最好的胎教——怎样才能生一个德行好、福报大的孩子?The Best Prenatal Education - How to Raise A Child with Good Moral Character and Great Blessings? 614字
- 德育教育最重要 Moral Education is of Utmost 389字
- 孩子不孝是被父母养坏的 A Lack of Filial Piety in A Child is Spoiled by Parents 1845字
- 生命的方向:学道开发生命的奇迹 The Direction of Life: Studying the Way to Create Miracles of Life 1218字
- 母狼:写给中国所有父母 She-Wolf: To All the Parents in China 1542字
- 溺爱孩子等于害孩子 Spoiling Children is Harming Them 1612字
第六辑 灌注正能量 Volume 6: Infusing Positive Energy(5篇)
- 慈悲正能量 966字
- 宽恕祈祷文 1132字
- 为了心中的星辰大海,你可曾风雨兼程? 277字
- 善待所有的生命 从善待自己开始 Be kind to all living beings, start with being kind to yourself 378字
- 慈爱所有的生命 从慈爱自己开始 Love all living beings, start with loving yourself 805字
第七辑 心灵能量层级 Volume 7: Energy Levels in Spiritual Practice(17篇)
- 1-1 众生的能量层级与其心灵境界有直接关系 One's Energy Level Is Determined by One's State of Mind 937字
- 1-2 人类处在不同能量级别的表现 How Does Different Energy Levels Look Like? 873字
- 1-3 一个人的能量级别是可以提升的 We Can Elevate Our Energy Levels 701字
- 1-4 人类的能量状态会相互影响 Our Energy Levels Can Influence Each Other 1319字
- 1-5 有信念的人不易被负能量影响 A Person With Faith Is Not Easily Influenced by Negative Energy 1088字
- 1-6 有助于提升人类能量级别的伟大秘密 The Biggest Secret to Help Humans Elevate Energy Levels 1516字
- 1-7 能量级别的高低是相对而论的 Energy Levels Are Relative 614字
- 1-8 修行人最基本的能量态是勇气和接纳 Courage & Acceptance: The Most Fundamental Energy States for Practitioners 930字
- 1-9 修行要像金字塔一样稳固基础 Build a Pyramid-Like Foundation for Your Spiritual Journey 920字
- 2-1 保持感恩心才能提升自己的能量层次 Only with Gratitude Can We Elevate Our Energy Levels 942字
- 2-2 度众生一定要随缘 "Let It Be": The Principle for Helping Sentient Beings 738字
- 2-3 持咒的前提是要有慈悲心 Compassion: The Prerequisite for Chanting Mantras 469字
- 2-4 最重要的事情是提升自己的灵性能量态 The Most Important Thing is to Elevate Our Spiritual Energy State 919字
- 2-5 强大的感恩心是非常重要的 Having a Strong Sense of Gratitude is Crucial 2001字
- 2-6 随缘就是平等 "Let It Be": The True Equality 1246字
- 2-7 个人能量态的级别与自己的修行有关 One's Energy Levels Are Determined by One's Spiritual Practice 651字
- 2-8 开放的思想和空杯的心态是能量态进步的必需前提 An Open Mind and Empty-Cup Attitude: The Prerequisite to Elevate One's Energy Level 994字
第八辑 把心带回家 Volume 8: Bringing the Mind Home(43篇)
- 1-1 我们每个人都是自己的救世主 We Are Our Own Saviors 501字
- 1-2 禅坐可以引领我们回到真心 Meditation - the way to bring us back to ourselves 1088字
- 1-3 觉悟的心就要不断地去练习 Awareness needs constant practice 1283字
- 1-4 抓紧时间禅修 Seize the time to meditate 740字
- 2-1 “回光返照”可以让我们见到本来面目 "Reflecting the light inward" can reveal our true nature 773字
- 2-2 禅修时要放下一切执著 Let go of all attachments 971字
- 2-3 禅修要创造正确的内心环境 Create the right inner environment for meditation 655字
- 2-4 打坐不作打坐想 Meditate without thinking that you're meditating 963字
- 3-1 禅修的坐姿是善巧方便之一 Meditation posture is a skillful means 638字
- 3-2 心轮通过智慧脉和眼睛连通 The heart center is connected to the eyes through wisdom channels 1131字
- 3-3 为什么禅坐中要睁开眼睛 Why should we keep our eyes open during meditation_ 526字
- 3-4 去除执着最关键的是要有空性的智慧 The key to eliminating attachment is to have the wisdom of emptiness 704字
- 4-1 深呼吸有益我们的健康 Deep breathing is good for health 490字
- 4-2 正确的方法和宁静祥和的环境有助于进入禅定 Right method & peaceful environment can help us enter meditation 1216字
- 5-1 第一种禅坐方法—观呼吸 Meditation method 1—Watching the breath 1444字
- 5-2 第二种禅坐方法—使用一个对象 Meditation method 2—Using an object 877字
- 5-3 第三种禅坐方法—念咒 Meditation method 3—Reciting a mantra 795字
- 6 微妙的平衡 A Delicate Balance 853字
- 7-1 禅修时保持觉察 Maintain Our Awareness During Meditation 544字
- 7-2 观到念头起处 Look at Where Thoughts Arise 555字
- 7-3 禅修过程中念头的变化过程 How Thoughts Change During Meditation 637字
- 7-4 真空与妙用 大海与波浪 True Emptiness & Wondrous Existence, Ocean & Waves 827字
- 7-5 思想和情绪的本质也是我们心性的光芒 The Essence of Thoughts and Emotions is the Radiance of Our Mind 548字
- 7-6 心量广大才能够客观地看待自己的思想和情绪 Only with a Broad Mind Can We Objectively View Our Thoughts and Emotions 1556字
- 7-7 没有了杂念的时候无明才会现出来 Only When There Is No More Distracting Thought Will Ignorance Appear 536字
- 8-1 禅修中的经验是觉悟的材料 Experiences in Meditation Are Materials for Realization 991字
- 8-2 对经验保持正念 Maintain Mindfulness During Experiences 1355字
- 8-3 如何脱离禅修时的昏沉 How Do You Get Out of Drowsiness During Meditation_ 786字
- 8-4 不执著禅修的觉受很重要 Don't Be Attached to Meditative Experiences 719字
- 8-5 超越人天道要通达有漏皆苦 To Transcend the Human and Heavenly Way, We Must Realize _All Contaminated Things Are Suffering_ 937字
- 9-1 禅修中休息和禅坐同样重要 Practice and Breaks Are Equally Important in Meditation 873字
- 9-2 什么是禅修 What Is Meditation 1428字
- 9-3 生活禅怎么修 How to Practice Living Meditation 1645字
- 10-1 要把禅修结合在生活中 Integrating Meditation Into Daily Life 635字
- 10-2 如何在日常生活中保持正念 How to Maintain Mindfulness in Daily Life 1004字
- 10-3 体悟事物的本性如梦如幻 Experiencing the Illusory Nature of Everything 1303字
- 10-4 以不执著的心态禅修与做事 Meditate and Work Without Attachment 1166字
- 10-5 禅修的真正奇迹是一种细微的转化 The Real Miracle of Meditation Is a Subtle Transformation 925字
- 11-1 禅修要有灵感和原创性 Meditation Requires Inspiration and Creativity 1612字
- 11-2 使禅修变得喜悦的方法01 How to Make Meditation Joyful - 1 863字
- 11-3 使禅修变得喜悦的方法02 How to Make Meditation Joyful - 2 1049字
- 11-4 有智慧才能微笑面对一切 Only With Wisdom Can We Face Everything Smilingly 634字
- 11-5 全心全意地去修上师相应法 Practicing Guru Yoga With Full Devotion 1089字
第九辑 圣贤之音 - 文化与道德的乐章 Volume 9: Culture & Virtue - Echoes of the Sage (6篇)
- 也谈知识和文化之差异 Discussing the Differences between Knowledge and Culture 684字
- 真正的大国崛起,乃是文化和道德的复兴!The True Rise of a Great Nation Lies in the Revival of its Culture and Morality 938字
- 一些所谓的“知识”,比无知更可怕 Some So-Called 'Knowledge': More Terrifying Than Ignorance 3552字
- 随学圣哲 找回初心 01 Follow the Sages and Rediscover Our Original Aspiration 01 1407字
- 随学圣哲 找回初心 02 Follow the Sages and Rediscover Our Original Aspiration 02 811字
- 随学圣哲 找回初心 03 Follow the Sages and Rediscover Our Original Aspiration 03 1653字
易明之光 Mini读书@2023